


Welcome to the blog and look for the stuff you want to know . . . . .

I consider this blog as a complete encyclopedia for many design exams. This blog was basically introduced to help you with self-study for design  related exams like 
and many private exams too!

This page has the links only for CEED/NID and UCEED. You can check the above links for the individual design exam links, which is basically the menu tabs.

Below PDFs need update and shall be updated soon....

All CEED related SYL blog links collections - PDF download (sitemap) 

All UCEED related SYL blog links - PDF download (sitemap) 

All NID-DAT related SYL blog links - PDF Download (sitemap) 

General Posts

Weekly timetable for CEED Exam preparation(Latest)

Do I need to join coaching centre for CEED ? check yourself (Newest)

Is M.Des best for you ? (New)
Afraid of CEED ?  Big mistakes that you should avoid  for preparation

Details of CEED and M.Des

  1. All about M.Des Design streams
  2. Preferred Institutions for M.Des
  3. How to start and what to practice for CEED (beginner guide) (New)
  4. Tips for CEED Exam Preparation (New)
  5. Common CEED questions and doubts answered (New)

General Resources (books and links) for CEED preparation

The above link will carry you to a page containing an overall collection of books and below links will help you download individual files (that was created by me)

Here is my latest post - Improve imagination, work with 3D solids and unfolding of solid shapes

Resources (books and links) for CEED Part - A

The above link will carry you to a page containing an overall collection of books and below links will help you download individual files (that was created by me)
  1. Photography guide
  2. Artistic tools, paintings and sculpture
  3. Animation study
  4. Indian State paintings and painters
  5. Indian musical Instruments
  6. Video and color technology
  7. Typography guide
  8. Illustration techniques
  9. Indian Automotive sector
  10. Signage : Signs and symbols
  11. Useful websites for CEED part-A
  12. Something about India and time

Solutions for CEED previous year question papers

Solution to 2016 CEED paper

   1.  CEED 2016 Part-A solutions

Solution for 2015 CEED papers
  1. PART - A 
Solution for 2014 CEED papers
  1. PART - A 
  2. PART - B 
  3. Story writing (image composition) for CEED 2014 design part
Solution for 2013 CEED papers
  1. PART - A
  2. PART - B 
Solution for 2012 CEED papers

Architecture guide for Part - A

>> Complete Architectural guide for Part - A (New)

The above link will carry you to a page containing an overall collection of books and below links will help you download individual files (that was created by me)

State-wise Architecture in India

Related Architecture in India

Problem Identification and Analysis

Observation and Visualization skills

Part-A and Part-B practice exercises (*)

Sketching Practice guide and exercises

Analysis for mistakes in design sketches

  1. Discussions for mistakes in Torch design sketch (deleted !)
  2. Mistakes in design sketches - 2 
  3. Mistakes in ATM design problem with some tips
  4.  Solutions for Everyday Design works from Sameer Sapre 

Some more tips for CEED exam

  1. Tips to be careful while writing CEED exam
  2. CEED 2014  Part-B pattern, questions and analysis 
  3. My experience with CEED Exam 
  4. M.Des/CEED interview pattern and tips (New)
  5.  Portfolio guide for CEED, NID and design students

Creativity and Lateral thinking

Like I said in my other posts, Creativity and lateral thinking is one of the most important requirement for a designer as well as a design aspirant like you (especially those aiming for CEED and NID exams). Even if you happened to be astonishingly good at sketching, and if you don't have at least basic creative ideas, then it's a waste ! 

In-depth ideas on "how to improve your creativity and lateral thinking" has been dealt in the following post links. 

How to improve creativity and Lateral thinking - behavioral practices 

How to improve creativity and Lateral thinking - Habitual practices  

Image Gallery (collections)

Let us see some of the art and creative works done by people (listed below). Going through this might give you a brief idea about sketching and art work that may help you with CEED exam as well as for your future as a designer. By understanding others ideas and concepts, it's likely that you may develop your own idea. That's why I included "Gallery" section for your benefit.

If you have any such works, you may send that to my mail or inform me about your works in Facebook; I will be including your work in this blog for others to look and learn.

Work by :

Some tips on NID Studio test and Interview

Resources and study materials for NID DAT (Latest)

Clear your doubts by asking here - CEED Forums and discussions

UCEED forum/discussion page with FAQ's
