13 September 2013

Solutions for Part-A CEED 2013 question paper

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In this page, we will discuss detailed answers for CEED 2013 question paper; mostly targeting for PART-A. For PART-B, some ideas were given so that you can work on your own.

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Solutions for PART-A 

1) 3
Full HD measures 1920X1080 pixel (2.1 MP) with widescreen aspect ratio of 16:9

Learn more about video and color technology 

2) 2
PAL is "Phase Alternating Line"; is a color encoding system for television system used in broadcast television systems in countries like Europe, Australia, middle east, Asia broadcasting at 576 vertical lines (720 X 576) thus counting to 25 frames per second (fps). conventional television screens are made up of horizontal lines, while computer monitors consists of a series of horizontal and vertical pixels. 
For more details visit - adobe

Learn more about video and color technology 

3) 3 
HDMI is a port (compact audio cum video interface) for transferring video/audio data to a compatible monitor, projector, TV, or digital audio

4) 1

5) 3

Widescreen format is HD mode fitting to 16:9 ratio screen

6) 1
Related people in Garfield cartoon

Learn more about - Animation guide for Part - A

7) 3
The back side of Santro cars were fully covered (half horizontally) covered with glass leaving no space for side metal 

8) B

9) 3

10) 2

11) 2 
Using concave mirrors will invert the image, which is not feasible

12) 4
She is a famous Indian boxer and won world boxing champion five times

13) 1
For detailed explanation, please check the comments part

14) 2
CMYK is a general color space used for commercial printing and most color computer printers. encyclopedia says that CMY can print all colors. K stands for black is required for quality printing.

Learn more about video and color technology 

15) 3
Check your Photoshop software for different color formats including CMYK

16) 4
Only cheetah have small black spots

17) 1
It's a Tibetan prayer instrument of about one feet size

18) 2
Usually plastic chairs requires cross legs for stability, But its odd !!! I found that most of the new model chairs are usually made of PLASTIC for better ergonomics

19) 3

20) 4

Bluetooth is basically meant to CONNECT several devices and is an alternative to RS-232 data cables

21) 1
A fish eye lens is an ultra wide - angled lens that produces strong distortion intended to create a wide panoramic or hemispherical image.

Learn more about - Complete photography guide for Part - A

22) 2

23) 4

Only Rudra veena has two equal elliptical domes attached 
sitar, Tanpura and Sarod were shown below


Learn more about - Indian musical instruments collections

24) 3
See more details on evolution of products - here

25) 2
Length has nothing to do with revolutions, for every one revolution of driven (big pulley), the driver (small pulley) must have revolved thrice, thus if driven revolves 600 times, the driver should have revolved 1800 times (i.e 30 minutes) as it rotates at 60 rpm.

26) 1
To reach exactly opposite point of the bank from where the boat has started; the boat should move slant towards north east at 10kmph, and water is flowing at 8 kmph from east to west, now apply Pythagoras theorem to find the relative velocity which turns to be 6 kmph.

 27) 2
A lines of longitude is also called a "Meridian", meaning middle day or Noon, and times of the day before noon were known as "ante meridian" (AM), and times of the day after it were called as "Post meridian" (PM)
check more about time zones - here

28) 1
Sphere does not have a sharp edge; while the remaining (tetrahedron,cube and cylinder) does have edges

29) 2
It's not 80 kmph, funny right !! the front and back wheel will be traveling same distance in a unit time regardless of the wheel size. This question checks your thinking ability.

30) 4
Apply Pythagoras theorem, here the vertical line (in mathematics we call opp. side) is 800 m and the slant line (called hypotenuse) is 1000 m, thus resulting to 600 m as radius, thus dia probably assumes 1200 m.

Slant line - 1000m ?

This is simple, since the man climbed the hill at the rate (velocity) of 2 km/hr, so in an hour he can go to 2km. But it's given in the question that he climbed the hill in half an hour, that is

1 hr  --->  2 km
0.5 hr ----> (0.5*2 km) = (1 km)

31) 4

32) 3

Guide on similar questions - here

33) 2

34) 1

  • A photography with low shutter speed results in creating a more pronounced motion blur effect. notice that the remaining backgrounds (trees and wall) looks clean; only the part of movement or motion parts will appear blur.
  • If the shutter speed is high, the camera can catch even minute details of motion/movement, like you can even capture details of water splashing. 
  • when there is a camera shake, all the parts of the picture should be blur.
  • If there is a mistake in saving, then the photo could not be opened at all.
Learn more about - Complete photography guide for Part - A

35) 2
Shadow lengths are directly proportional to the heights. so apply
25/40 = 15/x; x thus equals to 24

36) 2

37) 3

For this question, as the string makes 5 total turns in 15 cm length; assume only one turn in 3 cm length; now you have to imagine that the cylinder of 3 cm length is un-folded in flat surface; thus forming a rectangle of width equal to circle circumference (4 cm) and breadth equal to 3 cm. Notice that the string will assume a straight line if unfolded in flat surface. Now apply Pythagoras theorem to find the hypotenuse, which will turn out as 5. For the total length of cylinder, multiply this by 5 times; thus counting to 25

38) 12
If 'L' is the length of the pole. one half of the pole is burried in soil; so L/2 part is left, of which one third of the pole is submerged in water and thus the remaining part is (L/2-L/3) which assumes L/6, as given in question this should equal to 2 m. Thus
L/6 = 2
L = 12 m

39) 4
Check engineering isometric drawing examples for such questions

40) 1

41) 2
Up to last year, Citreon manufacturer doesn't have a plant. But recently they are setting a plant in Gujarat.

42) 2

43) 1

44) B

45) 3
I guess so.

46) 4 
It's obvious and common sense

47) 3
Frankly speaking, the cupboard on the room is not in perspective, but as per the options given, windows on the back wall should have projections on the wall (similar to window on side wall) which is missing here.

48) 3
Trick is to count the number of missing cubes, here it is 15 and deduct the quantity form the total number of cubes (4x4x4=64 cubes); thus summing to 49

Check questions similar to this - here

49) 2
Front - 6 surfaces
right - 6 surfaces
back - 4 surfaces
left - 2 surfaces
top - 4 surfaces
bottom - 1 surface

check the number of faces from back view below

You may check the detailed solution for this problem - here

50) 3
I guess so, because the remaining pictures are a little bit confusing. 

Get the PDF format of this page - here

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Also see

Answers for CEED 2014 Part - A

Solution for 2013 Part - B question paper

solution for 2012 Part - A question paper

Resources and books for CEED exam preparation


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Hemant, I'm also working on 2012 and 2011 solutions !!! gonna update that soon

  2. Good job bro.. keep postin more info abt part A

  3. hw did u find 4 surfaces in back view fr 49-Q ? I'm getting only 3

    1. Ok, I had included a picture showing number of faces from back view, you can now check Q.49 :)

  4. Can you explain how a cube has the least surface area among the given entities?

    1. Hi Ashish,

      Thanks for intimating and reminding me the question, This is what happens when we r in hurry or we don't read the question carefully. Of course cube has the largest surface and cone should have the least, it's a general observation and of course common sense. anyway let me clearly explain this in mathematical way for everybody understanding

      As all the sides are equal, we take a=b=c=1,
      Now surface area of

      Cube is 6*a*b, which sums to 6
      cylinder is 2*PI*r*(r+a), here r =1/2, so by putting values, we get <6
      Cone is PI*r*(r+s), s is the slant ht equals to sqrt of 2, putting values, we get <3
      Sphere is 4*PI*r*r, we get value >3,

      So cone has the least surface and cube has the largest, I will change my mistake in the above ....... :)

    2. If we calculate them, we get sphere with the lowest surface area. Its equal to π for a sphere and >π ( π*1*(0.5+1.414)) for a cone..... :)

    3. Oh yes, you are definitely right, sphere does have less surface area, the s value for cone is sqrt 5 divided 2, I will rectify it and thanx once again :)

    4. The s value is sqrt(5)/2 but since r equals 0.5, shouldn't it be pi*0.5*(0.5+1.118) which is 0.809*pi?

  5. Q.No.31 is '3' I guess... It's an optical illusion... Check it by hiding the white and black outlines respectively in left and right figures..

    1. hmm, u know one thing, I even heard from one of my friend that in Photoshop, both the patches will have same color code or something like that, which I'm not clear. But as per me, if u carefully observe both the patches relative to the actual pattern, u will find that they are partly mis aligned, the darker one is positioned some what above than the lighter blue patch, For this reason only I put D as answer. let us wait and see others answer also .... :)

    2. its 3..they are both the same..it is called the bezold effect..any hue seen under an upper layer is automatically perceived darker by the brain..it happens automatically

  6. maybe 43 is D.. coz C looks classic

  7. sphere has the least surface area
    learned it in physics
    thats why water droplets take the shape of sphere and also bubbles are spherical

    1. That has already been discussed above in the comments that sphere has the least surface mathematically, I forgot to rectifying hat above, I will do that :)

  8. questn 44
    it should b option 2 since the torch is heavy n long will be easy to tackle the thief with!
    also shown in the movie 'night at the museum' as the torch of the night guard :P

  9. qn 10: Ans is 2 .
    yes..Concave surface shows inverted image(water image) but in the given picture the text was not inverted..Actually that was mirror image.

    1. Hi Chandu,

      Sorry for late reply and thanks for noting the point. I will correct it ...... :)

  10. Hey, the answer to Q10 is 2. The image is not vertically inverted. It is laterally inverted. So, it is an upright image. Upright images are caused by convex mirrors (diverging mirrors). Concave (Converging) mirrors form inverted images. Additionally, the image is bulging in the middle. This happens in a convex surface. Try to see your image in the back part (convex part) of a polished spoon. You will see your face in the middle bulging out.

    Please correct the answer. Hope this helps.

    1. Hi Kooustav,
      Ya got your concept, I already corrected it. Thanks for noting and bringing to me.

  11. i have a question regarding the london olympic pictogram..question no 9... i am pretty sure the answer is 3... can u pls check it once more ???

    1. Hi,
      I don't think so, I also checked that and confirmed. I am pretty sure it is 2. Any way I will check once again during free time.

    2. Even i checked, the answer is 3rd pictogram. Pl check agn..

    3. Hi,
      Ok. I will change that thing immediately. Thanks Shreya banerjee for noting the mistake and thanks to Ruta for confirming the same ...... :)

  12. okkk.... here I am posting 2 links... can u please check them out ???
    1. http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2009/october/london-2012-pictograms
    2. http://www.designboom.com/design/london-olympics-2012-the-look-of-the-games/

    1. Hi,

      Thanks a lot for the concern. I will check that links at free time and will rectify that - if it's a mistake from my end ....... :)

    2. Hi Shreya,

      The mistake was mine. The answer is 3 and not 2, I rectified the same above. Thanks again for your effort.
      All the best ......:)

  13. hey :) cheers to the efforts u put :)
    I have a query regarding 11th question. for concave mirrors with long focal lengths the image characteristics are the same.. like makeup mirror of girls is concave but the image is not vertically inverted.. it is laterally inverted and bulges in middle.. for convex mirrors it doesnot bulge in the middle..

  14. que 25....answer is luckily correct but there is a little mistake.....the values 120 and 40 are circumferences themselves......thank aryabhatta for making pi a constant...lol!
    but nevertheless
    indeed it was a great help, thanks a lot brother :)

    1. hi Ritesh,
      Thanks for noting and your comments.

  15. Replies
    1. Hi,
      Thanks for noting, it's the option B and not 8. I will rectify it.

  16. i have doubt on Q no. 47. i guess its the wall. or may be the side walls.
    correct me if am wrong.

    1. I don't think walls are in wrong perspective

    2. Q-47 ,,, its answer must be 4, because diverging lines of the 'side wall 'window' are not meeting with the vanishing point and not in parallel with wall. back wall or its window has nothing do with perspective as its seen from a viewpoint equally center to it

    3. I agree with 7kondal. It's a one-point-perspective drawing where all the lines should be meeting at one VP (here, it may be the center of the back wall window). Side wall window lines do not converge to this point.

    4. Offcourse its OPTION NO. 4...!!

      Top and Bottom of window is not parallel to the Corners of that WALL...!!

      Clearly all other 3 things are in PERSPECTIVE...

    5. Yes , it should be option 4 as per rules of perspective drawing

  17. Q. no 13. is must be cone. For calculation of surface area of sphere : what should be considered , the radius or the dia. I think it should be the dia. and if taken so then cone has the least surface area. correct me if i am wrong.

    1. Hello Gafur,
      Cone is not the correct option, sphere has the least surface area. Discussion on this question with mathematical explanations (for the same) has already been dealt in the above comments, please go through it and understand.

  18. Hi !
    With time ticking away could you please provide me with the solutions of other previous CEED papers. I am not able to heck if I am right or wrong after solving the question papers.
    Thanks in advance :)

    1. Hello,

      You already noted that 'time is ticking', so is to me, how could I within this time :)

      I gave solutions for two-three previous papers, I think that should make the visitors know the basic things required to be covered. Anyway, If time permits, I will open an email section, where you can share your works to get it reviewed. Hope that helps :)

  19. dont you think answer of q. no. 47 must be '4'.....see it carefully....

  20. i think the answer for q.no 31 is 3 , because i have checked in photoshop they have same color tone

  21. Pls bring out some tips or mock tests for CEED 2016.. T exam date is nearing

    1. Many posts on Tips for CEED are already there in the blog, no specific need to del with CEED 2016 or CEED 2015, anyway, I would recommend you to view these views which are short and can easily help with tips

      How to prepare for CEED in just 7 days

      How to crack CEED - final tips

      Mock tests will soon follow, was caught up with exams!

  22. Quesntion number 30. How did you find the slant height to be 1000? Please explain

    1. I have given the explanation above in the answer itself, please check again and clarify yourself.

  23. Bro U really worked a lot in this blog ,thumpz up, and yes and to 50th is c, rule of thirds is the reason

  24. Hey could please tell me what was the approx cut off for CEED'13 Part-A ?

  25. sir, i have doubt regarding answer of ques no. 50?? how it is c...?

    1. Actually, I'm not pretty sure about that (I already mentioned that in the key itself) what I feel is plain on (option C) looks more pleasing at leat to my eyes, others are like zigzag. Let me know if you find any reference against how I perceived .

    2. I think option C is the answer
      because the pattern is related to the Golden Ratio


  26. For Q13, I tried using a colour picker and it shows same values for RGB. can you please verify?

  27. sir question no 42 is pillow


  29. Q no 15. would be white color as RGB is additive color combining those in equal amount gives white color.

  30. Hi, In Question 47 answer should be 4, window on side wall is not matching with perspective of wall.

  31. Sir shouldn't the answer of Q47 be 4th the window on side wall tell me if I'm wrong

  32. Hi I know it's 2025, I was just curious what was the cutoff of part A in ceed 2013 paper,



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