20 October 2018

Weekly time table (strategy) for NID MDes preparation


There is no universal strategy applicable to everyone. Strategy and preparation level varies from person to person based on several factors. This timetable will be of some help to assist you in preparing your own schedule.


In the below weekly timetable, I will just refer as either verbal or non-verbal because of space limitations. You can assume any of the topics (based on the priority list given at the end of this page) and cover them. If you're not starting in August but from another month (say October), you may want to modify your schedule and include the topics accordingly. 

Month: August

1st week - object sketching (every day things like products kitchen and appliances etc.), Image aptitude (solids, views, surface counting, solid manipulations etc), drawing images in front/top/side views (helpful to improve your imagination although in NID exam this might not come)

2nd week - Previous papers, non verbal reasoning - image patterns, image manipulations, syllogism 

3rd week - Tangram puzzles, non verbal reasoning - paper cutting etc, odd man out series

4th week - solve previous papers, verbal reasoning, story writing, sketching practice (line sketching by copying). Attempt subjective questions too to evaluate your current status. 

5th week - Ability tests, basic math formula revision, sketching practice (line sketching giving emphasis to shape, size/proportion), Faculty wise topic (chose any two)

Month : September

1st week - English comprehension, plain sketching (objects, everyday things),  Faculty wise topics,

2nd week - Ability tests - inductive/deductive reasoning, mensurations, plain sketching (objects, everday things) 

3rd week - verbal reasoning, folding and unfolding of solids, image manipulations, paragraph comprehension, sketching (with concern for detailing like shadings, shadows, details, texture etc)

4th week - non verbal reasoning revision, draw a scene (given in written form) by visualizing - minding details, proportion, and all other elements of sketching, imaginative drawing, revision of your understanding on learnt non verbal reasoning topics, facts on basic science, science quiz questions


Month : October

1st week  - Faculty wise topics, subjective practice, story and creative writing, NID previous paper subjective attempts, sketch of creative ideas (ex - like creative uses of umbrella, water bottles etc), practice of - logo making, animation frames, posters etc, 

2nd week - paragraph comprehension, deductive reasoning from para's, Principals and Fundamentals of Prototyping (modeling), Observation on every day products - their functions/behaviour and the science/reason behind their use (like why gas pipe is cylindrical and not square ?, what is the shape of the fan blade ? etc), sketch practice of - logo making, animation frames, posters etc (continuation) 

3rd week -  Rebus puzzles, aptitude start, font, revision on math basics, Faculty wise topics (GK on Terms and techniques related to weaving, art, stitching, pottery, architecture, fashion, animation, printmaking, media etc), sketching of creative ideas.

4th week - direction sense tests, IQ questions, color schemes, Basic science and facts, odd man out series, Knowledge on convex, concave mirroring, sketch practice of humans/animals in different positions like sitting, standing, postures, in action, different genders, age groups, portraits etc

Month : November

(keep your sketch practice in between)

1st week - Faculty wise topic - Basic idea about materials used for daily products, GK fact on sciene, earth, findings, completing sentences, deducing meaningful statements from paragraphs, working on design and creative ideas, Faculty wise subjective - practising sketching of creative ideas, 

2nd week - Knowledge on print/packaging standard, logos/symbols, series (aptitude and image kind), GK on natural disasters occurred in history, General facts (famous, science, logos, constitution and human rights), mechanical and spatial ability overview, situation test practice (paragraph/sceanrio type)

3rd week - Indian indexes, Background on civilization, revolutions, archaeology, paragraph comprehension revision,Color schemes, Epics, Renaissance, Terms and techniques related to sculpturing, webpage design, sketch practice on object forms, shapes, texture etc)

4th week - Terms and techniques related to construction, pottery, building, archi etc, Prototyping (modeling), related terms, techniques, media and tools used, basic knowledge on materials for prototype making steps followed (very quickly), Faculty wise topics - GK on movies, animators, Architectural importance in India (locations, places etc)

Month : December

(keep your sketch practice in between)

1st week - Logos of Indian brands and government department, institutes, science and solar system, facts, inventors/discoveries, general facts about earth, design and even about humans, indian history, GK on World famous days (events, attacks, revolutions etc), Gk on India's famous political personalities, Animation movements, texture identifications (on animals, surfaces etc), start covering leftover Faculty wise topics 

2nd week - Gk on sports, politics, film, animation, recent implements or constitution changes, Indian culture, dance, wear etc, GA on Art/Media, painters, music, dance, designers, Font, linguistic, English - completing sentence, NID/UCEED Mock test (or previous paper) practice, Crafting media, tools, related terms etc, Paint/art/works of renowned designers, cover Faculty wise topics

3rd week - Knowledge about books, great personalities including sports, politicians, designers, revolution activist etc, Symmetry in biology, NID/UCEED Mock test (or previous paper) practice, quick revision on solid views, syllogisms, basic mensuration concepts, Knowledge on people (and their works) related to innovators, changes, revolutions, art movements etc, sketching, knowledge on aesthetics, symmetry etc, revise Faculty wise topics

4th week - Revision on ability tests samples, NID/UCEED/CEED Mock test (or previous paper) practice, quick non verbal revision, Color scheme revision, GK on generally (day-to-day) used products/objects/things, gadgets, appliances, vegetables, GK on break through revolutions, GK on famous personalities (designers, activist, painters, logo makers, sports, political, science in indian context, ), cover as well as revise Faculty wise topics

Month : January

1st week - current affairs (recent break throughs) related to india, introductions like monetization, CST, personals involved in that etc, Terms and techniques related to design, art, print, printmaking, crafting, media, theory on black box, GK on famous personalities (continuation), revision of any other GA topics

As a reference, I'm listing down the topics with their rankings in brackets. A very high rank (high being 5) means you are suggested to prioritize that topics and a very low rating (low being 1) mean you are advised not to spend much time on that. If you find some topics important that has been skipped, you may go according to that as well as let me know. Please note that I'm keeping in mind that you're also giving UCEED/NATA/JEE/NIFT or any design based exams. So, preparing for these topics would help you give other exams too with ease!

Verbal Reasoning

Syllogism (5)
Logical Sequence of Words (1)
Blood Relation Test (2)
Series Completion (2)
Cause and Effect (3)
Dice, Venn Diagrams (1)
Cube and Cuboid (3)
Analogy (2)
Seating Arrangement (3)
Character Puzzles (4)
Direction Sense Test (5) 
Arithmetic Reasoning (2)
calendar (2)

Non Verbal Reasoning

Series (4)
Analogy (4)
Classification (5)
Analytical Reasoning (5)
Mirror Images & Water Images (4)
Embedded Images (2)
Pattern Completion  (5)
Figure Matrix (3)
Paper Folding (5)
Paper Cutting (5)
Rule Detection (4)
Grouping of Images (3)
Shape Construction (2)
Image Analysis (4)
Cubes and Dice (4)

Aptitude topics  - Average, Area, mensruations, odd man out series, height, and distance, speed, trains, 

All the best with your start :)

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