

13 September 2013

Solutions for Part-B CEED 2013 question paper

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For Part-B, some ideas were given so that you could work on your own. Part-B requires yourself to be involved and you need to practice sketching and design thinking skills and so I won't be giving detailed solutions here (especially sketches and posters). Instead I will focus only on giving some basic ideas that you could work on later. To know the actual design and sketch process, you may refer to the links at the end of this section, that would guide you on what to do and what not to do in designing (especially for Part - B section)

Get CEED 2013 question paper - here

PART - B Answers

1) Sketching part depends on your practice of shading and perspective as well as line of quality. So, I won't be doing that here !

2) Question :

Using invisible liquid on daily life
  1. We may use invisible liquid on the stem of wrist watch, which would give a look of only time part attached to one's wrist; thus giving unique look.
  2. You can apply this for frames of spectacles (not on glass) which will give an awesome and funny look.
  3. For women, a chained type of two or three linked earrings can be assumed; making the ring (that is in touch with ear) invisible.
  4. We can make invisible cages of pets as well as fish aquarium to give magical look.
  5. Applying invisible liquid to tube lights will give a decorative look. 

3) Question :

Problems on college canteen

Problem 1: 
Quality of the visible plates, utensils and chairs seems unhygienic; for which replacement/maintenance on time basis need to be taken care.

Problem 2:
Lightening system is dim, thus giving unaesthetic feeling for dining on canteen.

Problem 3 :
Standing place on cashier counter was less making more crowded look; for this the freezer on the right side of the counter could be shifted to left side making more space for people to stand.

Problem 4:
Display of items that is sold by the canteen is not clear because of small board with unclear rates; for this proper table to table menu card as well as colored marking on the display boards may work (even digital display works well).

Problem 5:
The serving and packing table on the left is raised higher, thus making problem for easy transaction as well as communication; better it should be lowered.

Product Design

Five distinct factors essential for designing a mop
  1. The mop should let the user use the mop without bending most of the times.
  2. Number of times an user rubs the ground on a single area should be minimum; in other words it will be better mopping once to clean the most part of the floor.
  3. Mop should reach the edges of the room/floor.
  4. It should be flexible and adjustable with replaceable brushes. 
  5. Mop should be able to reach the floor under tables, sofas etc, without letting the user bend much.
Check my ideas in the form of simple sketches regarding this question - below

Like I mentioned in the beginning of this article, you may want to check the links at the end of this section to get an in-depth insight on how to frame and represent designs in CEED exams. That links will also help you on what to be included and what not to be included in designing a product.

Visual communication

For printing visual instructions on a medicine packet without text; check my idea below. It should probably convey that
  1. One tablet before breakfast at 7:00 AM.
  2. One tablet after lunch at 2:00 PM
  3. One and half tablets after dinner at 9:00 PM
  4. Not to be taken by pregnant women

Well, I didn't draw this seriously because of shortage of time. You are required to make the poster clearly just like we did for the above mop design.

Animation Design

Crow autobiography

I just wrote my story thinking myself as a crow. You can think of your own in a similar way.

"Hi, My name is Kalia and I used to live near Qutub minar. When I was small, my father used to call me prince of qutub minar. As I started growing, I met with my best friends named kaka and kari, with whom I wandered around the place making fly races and also get food from what visitors left. We had seen many different kind of people all around world. Whenever I sit at the top of minar, I recap my father's words and feel proud of being called 'king'." 

Well, the story board framing part of this question will be dealt later. It may be left to you to practice. Remember, you need to write the story in five sentence as asked in the question and I guess I just wrapped the story in two sentence !

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  2. Problems on college canteen
    1)Ceiling fan are not at there correct position.
    -> 1st one should be above the cashier counter
    -> 2nd one should be above the crowded area

    2) Tube light above refrigerator is not necessary
    -> It should be above the crowded area so the proper illumination can be spread out using available light facility.

    3) The weighing machine placed at the centre of counter.
    -> It should be at one corner (electric board side) so there will be more place on counter for the costumers.

    1. Great to see that you shared your ideas too. It should be helping others and thanks for sharing.

      I would also expect readers to comment their ideas like Pankaj did for better grouping of ideas.

    2. I think there is much use of red color in the canteen , due to this colour the overall environment is quite dull.As it is a college canteen there must be enthusiastic environment the chairs must be made of wood or steel etc and must have joyous colours.

  3. I have a doubt on second question in partB , is it text answer enough for that question or we should represent in sketch , since we had drawing space given in answer sheet for that question

    1. Yes, you need to draw brief sketches for second question, you also need to show a short comic strip for crow autobiography discussed above, as it was asked in question.

  4. Please click on the link below to see my answer of the visual communication question

    1. Why don't you use the design blog instead of giving links here, others would also see right ?

    2. I don't know how to do that, sir , I am embarrassed to say that.

    The link given above is my answer to the question no 1 of the ceed 2013

    The above link is my answer to the visual communication question of feed 2013 . Please give me your feedback.

    1. Not available there. Please update, as I need some assistance in VC design questions :)

  7. My response to the question no. 3 of feed 2013 .
    1. The distinction between the cash counter and the waiting table counter should be well labeled.
    2. The white board between the mandir and the photo frame does look aesthetically pleasing, and can be seen as disrespect to the god .
    3. The colour combination of the cash counter and the waiting table , does not go well together , red and brown is not a good choice.
    4. The cold drink refrigerator seems hidden in the corner , it should placed between the two counters .
    5. The menu chart shouldn't have a shiny polished surface , the reflection of the light making the item obscure , a matt finish is desirable.

  8. Ceed 2013 , part B , question no. 2 .
    1 . After welding two pieces of iron together , the mark of the welding doesn't look pleasing, it would look better with it being invisible.
    2. The nut bolts used to joint parts does not look good , making them invisible would look better, though that would play difficult for the engineers to repair.
    be relaxing .
    4. Women take time to get ready, most of it is consumed in pinning the saree pallu , so that it doesn't show, an invisible pin will save a lot of time.
    5. There is nothing more aggravating for a book lover , than getting his books all twisted and stained return back after borrowing it , lets make them invisible.

    Please note that the question also look for humor in your answer, so I have taken more consideration of the creativity and the humor in my instances.

  9. Hello,
    I wanted to ask that in Part B type ques where we are expected to generate three concepts and give one final solution, is the final soln one of the 3 concepts or a combined concept?

    1. It should be a combination of the best three fo your individual identified problem solvers/designs

  10. Sir, your blog is incredibly helpful. Please keep writing.

  11. Sir kindly tell something about importance of colors in CEED

  12. Sir
    Kindly tell something about importance of colors in CEED

    1. Unless not specifically mentioned, colors are not necessary except for poster or animation framing, using colors for them are beneficially. Else, go for pencil sketching

  13. Hello Bhanu sir, I need a help regarding Interaction design. Can I get a solution to any of the questions of Interaction Design from the previous year papers, I want to get an idea of what should be the approach to such a solution and also how to present it within such limited span of time. I would be very grateful to you, please suggest me some examples if possible. Thank You :)

    1. Thank You sir. Please try to present it before 20th, if possible :) That would be very helpful :)

  14. Hai Bhanu Chander sir I have been following your blog for past 4 months all the materials are incredible and sufficient. And wanted to tell u that for writing NID-DAT exam on jan 7 it was very useful for me thank you once again.
    One Clarification in CEED Part B
    we are sketching three concepts right and making final one after that , Can the final one may consider the different feature used in anyone of the concepts
    Eg: In MOP Problem my Concept 1 consist of flexible design for pivoting in 120 degree is a feature &
    in Concept 2 I have included a telescopic arrangement for the sliding the MOP Stick in to it making it shorter and can be extended whenever we require (Like Umbrella)
    Can the Final One Consist of both (Though I am covering all the five design considerations in all three of my concepts ?

  15. Dear Bhanu Chander Sir I have been following your blog for past 4 months its extremely useful and sufficient, In Fact it helped me a lot in NID DAT 2018 also .
    One clarification in CEED Part B
    Can the Final Concept be the combo of the two concept sketches

    Eg :In MOP problem
    In concept 1 I am considering one feature and concept 2 I am considering some additional feature , Can my final concept can have the 2 ideas combined (In fact I am covering all the 5 design aspects in three of my concepts sketched)
    Previously somebody asked this question but I need some more clarity sir

  16. Hello sir, I am having a lot of difficulty in drawing a storyboard, I am not getting the approach( I am really good in Sketching), if you could help in any way, thankyou 😊

  17. Sir can you please send me ceed part B solutions of 2018 2019


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