

20 February 2014

My experience with CEED exam with suggestions

Hi friends, CEED 2014 exam is over. Now, It's time to share my experience as well as my view points based on my observation during CEED exam, that might help you avoid some of the mistakes that I did during exam. I also gave some tips/suggestions in this article. 

How did I start Part-A ?

Keeping in mind that for Part-A; 60 minutes will be given (for 50 questions) and the remaining 120 minutes shall be dedicated to Design (Part-B), I decided to spend on an average one minute for each question and yes it worked for me that's because almost all the questions were general decisive type and fortunately this time there were no mathematical aptitude questions. So I didn't face any problem and it went well.

Mistakes that I did while attempting Part-A

We know that all the 50 questions were MCQ (Multiple choice) type, the thing is for those questions (not design aptitude but general awareness questions like logo, institute name etc) - the answer for which i'm only 50% - 0% confident, I answered them by making a guess. I think this happened to be the biggest mistake for scoring comparatively lesser mark in Part - A. Anyway thanks to this blog Resources - I and Resources - II pages that I went through two days before exam, which helped me get more idea on general awareness. Overall, I cleared Part - A and was thus qualified for Part - B evaluation.

How did I start Part - B ?

As we all know that, Part - B has to be attempted in two sections, first section consists of three mandatory questions and the second consists of three optional design questions out of which one question need to be answered. So, I started with the mandatory question. The first question is to sketch a human in kitchen - opening the fridge door in perceptive. I did a very good sketch, I also gave shadings, decorations and more to that, thinking that first impression might give best impression but hell with that ! it already consumed 50 minutes and I still need to show some kitchen accessories !. So, I thought it might ruin my other attempt and therefore quickly winded that. 

Then I started doing the question on three creative sketches and multi use of household umbrella. I was in a hurry as I need to complete the remaining three questions in less time. So, out of hurry, I just started sketching without any idea of what creative thing to be included, after three four attempts, I finally completed that with little satisfaction. Then 
came story writing by observing the given picture. Thanks to my writing as well as to my habit of reading story books like Tinkle and more. I quickly framed a story and then wrote the same in the space provided. 

Now I was left with only 35 min for the 50 marks optional question. I was confused and was thinking which to select, then I made my mind and started doing comic strip in a hurry. Within 3 minutes; I noted that I have to sketch 20 frames ! but sketching a single frame is talking much time because of lack of practice. 

Then I forced myself to erase the did work and finally I started doing Product design of multi-use dustbin to be used in platform. Now in order to avoid the previously did mistake of being in hurry, I spared some minutes just to frame and create a concept and wow an idea flashed in my mind. I quickly grabbed the pencil and started sketching my idea, time left was 15 min !. I started putting all the concepts on the paper very roughly and of course quickly. 

I showed the concept in three sketches. Later I gave separate view for parts (just like exploded view) for more clarity but with rough sketches, then with little detailing and shading. Finally I even wrote 4 to 5 brief factors stating the material to be selected, why that concept was selected and it's functionality. Cool, times up, exam was over.

My expectations and outcome

I expected to get more marks in mandatory section (3 questions) as I was satisfied with that boy-fridge-human sketch; even the story writing went well, better than the umbrella question. I was expecting very less marks for the 50 marks design question. Like I said above - I did very rough sketch that too 3 to 4 sketches only. 

But surprisingly I scored 20 marks for the design question and only 9 for the remaining three questions ! It gave me a shock but anyhow I was qualified with good rank.

Based on my experience, I understood the following things
  1. Attempting more doubtful questions of Part - A was a drawback. 
  2. The biggest mistake that I did was starting the 15 marks questions instead of 50 marks design question. I should better have started with 50 marks question first, that might have  helped me in getting more marks !.
  3. Due to time factor and in a hurry, we tend to sketch immediately after going through a question, without giving time for idea/concept generation. Trust me, idea/concept is more important in CEED. Sketching is just a way to express your ideas. So, it will be better to spare some minutes just for concept. We may even think for two to three short and fast ideas and select the one best suited to the requirements in question.
  4. I still feel that rough, simple but clear sketching is enough. But honestly speaking, due to lack of practice, I missed fastness in sketching and so couldn't do much. I would better have practiced sketching every day or once in two days before 40-45 days to exam.
  5. Much of my time was consumed and even I got confused in selecting the one to be attempted among three optional design question. I feel Product Design type of questions were a boon (at least to people of my kind) and so it's always better to aim for such questions where we are good at !.

The above are some of my view points that I felt like sharing with you, so that you may prepare accordingly and avoid any such mistakes.

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  1. hey, is negative marking there for part A?

    1. Yes, for Part-A, correct answer carries +2 marks and wrong answer carries - 0.5 marks.

  2. bhanu, were you able to get seat in MDes last year?

  3. hi sir,
    can I forward my Part B drawings to you please can you Check it whenever time permits and let me know how I can improve them

    thanks & Regards

    1. ya u may send to me, but will reply only when i get time

  4. Sir I forgot to mark the questions as attempted online but I attempted all the questions in the answer booklet...does it create any difference?

    1. Many students did the same thing during exam, Actually if I'm not wrong it will not affect your evaluation.

      What I think is if any answer is marked as on-line, (say VC design question), then that paper will be assigned for evaluation to the evaluator specific for that set of questions (VC for our ex). Let us hope that evaluators will be generous enough that they will pass or even mark on the booklet so that all the questions attempted will be evaluated. Last year people who did the same mistake got their questions evaluated. So, be positive.


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