

12 October 2013


Most of you might be searching the whole net for information related to CEED exam practice, topics, sketching, procedures, common discussion,  and resources for CEED and M.Des. This forum was created; so that questions will be raised by the users and answers will be given by the other users. The advantage of sharing here is that questions will stay permanent in this blog and aspirants who are new (say next year aspirants) will get quick answers as well as suggestions for their questions.

Lets clarify our doubts and also share our answers.  


  1. Lets start my own question first.

    What are the things to be carried for CEED exam ........ ???

  2. One can carry pencils of different grades (e.g. H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B etc.), sketch pens, poster colors, and other drawing materials for the examination.
    NO drawing sheets to be taken.

    1. Great, thanks for the help ........

      Can we carry drawing pads ?

    2. yes! its allowed

  3. Are mobiles allowed in CEED exam hall ..... ???

  4. no mobiles allowed in ceed exam hall . it is strictly prohibited .

  5. Hi friends,

    Please note the following mandatory things for CEED exam

    1. Reporting time at exam centers on sunday 1st Dec - 7:30 am
    2. Exam start time - 9:00 am
    3. Exam end time - 12:00
    4. Things to be carried - pencils, sketch pens, brushes and other drawing accessories
    5. Things not to be carried - mobile phones, calculators and any electronic devices

    1. Well, everyone please carry SCALE too, it might be helpful

  6. Please post the Standard formulas which can be helpful for Geometric related questions

  7. Doubt:Can i use black ink outlines for sketch? i mean sketch which is done by using different kind of pencils like 2b 4b 6b ...which also includes shadow part and lighting this case can i use black ink outlines for solid parts of the sketch?

    1. Hi Kalyan,
      I fear it's not a good idea particularly when it was mentioned in question that you need to use only pencils. But for other design and comic strip type of questions you may use. Let's wait for others answers also.

  8. Banhn chander...can you provide a quick list of famous personalities..

    1. Hi,

      These are some quick links that I found in net, please adjust with this for now

  9. top 10 indian painters

  10. what i have to look for mensuration problems....please post the quick topics to prepare....

  11. colouring of the drawing in ceed exam is it imp?

    1. As per me, It's not important. Even you don't get time for coloring. Main concern should be on appropriate sketching. It's better if you concentrate on simple pencil sketching with good proportions, texture and soon.

      For 50 marks design question, you should aim at great idea rather than great sketch; if both are combined, then it's well and good, if not just concentrate on great idea and give a simple but clear sketch of that. I hope that will do. During my attempt, I gave just rough sketches (3 sketches) - a very simple pencil sketch without even using eraser because of time factor, but I spent time for idea. That helped me get 20 for 50 that helped me clear CEED !

  12. Heey Friends,

    I need some help.
    i have score 24 in part B and 49.5 in part A.
    so my score is total of both or score in part B is the score for filling up the forms of iitBombay.
    where its written that score more than 34 can apply.

  13. Hi,
    Only Part-B score is considered for getting admission. Score of 34 mean, 34 for part-B only, it's not the combination of part-A and part-B.

    1. Will this be applicable for ceed 2018 too? As i read that this time it will be 25% part a and the rest part b. Can you please confirm on this.

    2. my earlier comment dated back to 2014 and during that time the admission criteria was like that.
      From this year (CEED'18) they r considering 25% of part A score too (fortunately) for the final evaluation. I've mentioned this in FB too way back, ithink in fb groups. So, go with that.

    3. Sir can you explain this 25% criteria again as I am unaware about it.

  14. These are some interview tips that I gave as reply to one of my comment in this blog, Hope this will help you people a little

    " Unfortunately I don't know much about interview pattern (because I never faced design interview anytime before), but the following topics/tips might help you

    1. First of all you should be in a position to clearly communicate/explain your passion for design. Yes, it's true that interview panel firstly check your interest for that stream or overall design. So, its advisable to make some clear lists of following :
    a. Your interest rate
    b. Why you are opting design as career ?
    c. Is that suited for you ? (by explaining your previous design works)
    d. What you can contribute as a designer ?
    e. Any of your future plans

    2. Major part of the questions were expected from your own portfolio. So, it's better if you prepare well on "HOW TO EXPRESS YOUR PORTFOLIO" prepare a list of things to be covered in your explanation and revise the same many times. Anyway your portfolio itself should explain everything !
    3. Next; they might be checking your design ability, so like you prepared for CEED, please do the same preparation (an overview) of the topics, I also expect some General awareness questions. I even heard that they will ask some simple aptitude questions
    4. You should be good at communication and friendly behaviour while at interview.
    5. They may give a design question (or) creative exercise (or) any story writing , so be prepared for it.
    6. You are also advised to get prepared for some hands-on exercises.
    7. Other than the above, please prepare just like you prepare for any other interviews (like software selection) like explanation about yourself, your passions/interests, aims, strengths and so on.

    Finally I would like you to make an overview of
    1. Color patterns, know about famous designs and designers
    2. Sketching (esp. making of strips, stick figures)
    3. Short and quick story making as well as writing
    4. A list of things to be explained.
    5. Most Importantly practice before a mirror by giving all explanations that you prepared, that will definitely help you build your communication and confidence level.

    These are just my views. Hope this helps a bit, that's why I shared here.

    1. Hi, I had a query. Can I appear in CEED after doing my msc multimedia and animation?

    2. Hi,

      Yes, you may appear for CEED, candidates having 2yrs masters degree (after 10+2+3) can appear for CEED, and there is no age limit !

  15. Hey, is there any negative marking for part A?

    1. Yes, for Part-A, correct answer carries +2 marks and wrong answer carries - 0.5 marks

  16. Friends,

    Here is some portfolio works of mdes students of IIT Kanpur. Felt like sharing with you for your reference

    IIT Kanpur students portfolio works

  17. Hi

    Can you help with a good, comprehensive reference for different art periods in history, famous artists and their works etc?

    1. Hello Ramya,

      For now, go through Indian artist and their works in the link - Indian State Paintings and famous painters with their works

      I will try to cover the remaining requirements - history and works of artists (around the world) in the near future.

  18. I needed some clarification on a type of questions that appears in CEED.
    When they ask to generate 3 concepts of a certain product and then draw the final sketch, what exactly does that mean? Do the "concepts" have to be a version of the final product incorporating different solutions to the problem? Then, does that mean the final sketch is a combination of all these concepts?

    1. Hello Ramya,

      Well, you should notice that the actual question is 'generate three DISTINCT concepts BASED ON FACTORS', right ?

      You should have noticed that they also ask us to state some factors (usually 5 factors). According to me, they expect us to generate three separate concepts that could directly relate to your ideas/factors. The above question straightly implies that the concepts should preferably be related to the factors. So,it's always advisable to plan for concepts that would cover all the factors (or at least three !)

      If I were you, I would create two concepts - each holding two factors; and the third one supporting single factor, so that in my final concept, I would be delivering all the 5 factors mentioned.

      Hope this solves your doubt.

    2. Yes. This helps. Thank you!

  19. Hi
    can you please post the important dates of CEED,and NID

    1. Hello Maruthi.

      Although the official dates for CEED and NID have not been released yet, the following dates are usually expected

      CEED, expected important dates and details were given below

      Online registration process – first week of Aug to mid of Sep
      Admit Card download – first week of Nov
      Date of Examination – End of Nov (or) first week of Dec
      Announcement of Results – Mostly Jan first week

      NID, expected important dates and details were given below

      Online registration process – first week of Oct to first week of Dec
      Admit Card download – Mid of Dec
      Date of Examination – Anytime in January
      Interview call letter – In the month of March
      Studio test & Interview – April - May

      These are the expected dates as per me !

  20. Hi.. I would like to know is it late to prepare for ceed and nid... and how many hours do I need to put everyday

    1. Hi,

      It's never late to start for preparation. Most of the aspirants start their preparation before two months and some (students and working people) start even before a month !

      You have nearly four months duration, which is more than enough for better preparation. Regarding your query on 'How many hours', it depends completely on your level of 'design aptitude', I think on an average spending 2 to 3 hours a day will be fine.

      You may check here on how to plan and proceed for preparation - How to Plan, start and prepare for CEED exam

      And all the best, just concentrate on your preparation - everything will turn up positive :)

  21. Hi sir,

    I am an aeronautical engineer and i am very much interested in design.I am good in 3D modelling but when i see sketches in facebook groups i fear because i am not very good in sketching and story writing.Is it necessary to be best sketcher to appear in ceed.

    Next question which branch in design will be best product design,industrial design or any other

    1. Hello Siva,

      Good to hear that you are interested in Design :)
      Well, I've already pointed your query by giving the explanation in many of my earlier blog posts, just to note it's importance.

      It's ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY to be a great/best sketcher and in fact, an average level of sketching is quite more than enough to crack CEED. Last year, I've come across many awesome artist/sketchers whom have really good talent in sketching, but honestly they failed in cracking CEED !

      There are also situations/examples, where people whom are average (or below average !) in sketching cleared in CEED with very good scores. I'm the best example ! CEED is a test to estimate your design and creativity sense and sketching is the next part. So, hopefully the examiners would give higher weight-age to design idea, then only to sketching. If sketching work is that much important, then you should understand that instead of 50 marks design question in the exam, a 50 marks sketching questions should've appeared, but it never happened so. Only 15 marks sketching questions are appearing, don't you agree ?

      Well, but anyway you should be able to communicate your design and your sketch work is required to be
      1. Simple
      2. Proportionate (with size factor)
      and so on.

      Last year I spent; double my time to give good details to the 15 marks questions and it ended up giving very very less marks in the exam, and I gave rough sketch work for the 50 mark design question, and it gave me unexpected (more) marks. That itself proves this. So, please don't get misguided by others extraordinary work. I also recommend you to go through this post that will help you boost your confidence to at least 80% - Afraid of CEED | Big mistakes to avoid during CEED preparation

      Once you complete reading this comment, I would appreciate you if you go through the above link and read it fully for your own benefit. Trust me, this post will help you solve all your doubts !

      You may also go through the common doubts/FAQ's here - CEED exam related doubts answered

      Regarding your next query, I recommend you to target for "Mobility and Vehicle design" instead of any other - product/industrial design. The reason why because you are basically a Aeronautical engineer and I hope you have very good exposure to CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), dynamics of airfoils etc. Am I right ? I guess I'm right. So, choose the design stream which is more or less related to your already exposed field - in your case, Mobility or automobile design !

      You might be using your CFD techniques to design automobiles or any other vehicle for that matter.

      Hope that helps !
      Am I clear ? If not Please revert for sure. I would be happy to help :)

    2. And yes Siva,

      You need to be somewhat good at Story writing. It's definitely required ! because story writing opens your creativity and whether it appears in CEED or not, I recommend you to develop your story writing capabilities. It's not difficult and in fact you got plenty of time. Just go through comic books like 'Tinkle', 'Chandamama' and similar books. You may also refer to online stories/comics/manga to improve your story framing talent.

    3. thank you sir. sure it helps me alot i will improve in the factors you said.But when you said about Mobility and Vehicle design i see that course available only upes and is there any iit providing it if yes can you say it will be useful for me

    4. Why only UPES ?

      IITB is also offering M&V Design. Of course NID is also offering automobile design. If you can invest more - in other sense if you have good financial background, then you may go for DYPDC - instead of going for IIT's !

      Check DYPDC details for more information; if you are interested. Here you can check Preferred Institutions and courses for Masters in Design

  22. can you pls tell me what kind of questions will be asked in phase 2? there will be one exam if i am not wrong!

    1. Phase 2 mean after CEED exam or what ?
      If that is the case, then yes, most institutes conduct a DAT (Design Aptitude Test) and then an interview. Questions would be mostly related to the chosen design stream, may be multiple choice as well as some written attempt. The preparation is mostly similar to that as you prepare for Part-A of CEED exam, except that you don't need to study GA part !

  23. and also m an electronics and telly com engineer but very much interested in designing..I dont have any work experience as I am in third year right now.can u pls tell me during the final interview,do they give priority to those who has some work experience?also is any coaching required for ceed or Nid as an engineering student?

    1. Hello Shruti,

      Work experience is not at all a matter in CEED exam, and you should note that there is no age limit for aspirants ! Those having good design skills will be given top preference than those having experience - but with less design skills. So, don't worry and just aim for cracking CEED or NID with good score.

      Well, coaching is mostly not required for those having some idea on sketching and design. Little idea on these; would also allow one to develop them with self practice using proper resource, and if you are a total beginner, say you are to start sketching and design questions from scratch, then coaching might be required !

      Do one thing, take one design question from any CEED previous paper, and try to attempt that full fledged, thinking that you are attempting the exam. After that, just compare your solution and the procedure you did with that of mine (that I updated in this blog). Understand your level and that will definitely help you take a decision - whether to choose any coaching or not. According to me it's not required !

      Hope you got the answers.

  24. hi thanks a help. yes i am a beginner but I have descent sketching skill. i had gone for some trial class but that was not efficient. so would you please send some links or study material which will help me to crack ceed?? n thank you so much.

    1. Hi again,

      Glad to hear that you've descent sketching skills. As far as CEED exam is concerned, basic and average sketching level is more than enough and of course it's 'recommended' !

      Well, for sketching guide, here is my step by step learning strategy - Step-by-step procedure for learning sketching

      As a starter, I would recommend you to go through - How to start and what to practice for CEED exam

      Regarding complete resources set, here is my ultimate collection - Resources and books for CEED exam

      Hope the above links will ease your practice, All the best !

  25. is UPES dehradhun good for M.DES??
    plz guide

    1. Yes UPES is definitely a good option for M.Des, it surely is an option if IIT's or IISC is not achieved. UPES offers M.Des in Product Design, Transportation, Industrial and interior designs. Just go for it.

  26. Hey....
    I am a graduate from NIFT in accessory designing and will be taking the CEED test this time. I am jz not able to understand wat n how to prepare. Kindly help. And what score is needed in part A to qualify for part B??

    1. Hello,

      Part-A cut off is not specific and it varies yearly. It depends on the overall maximum marks scored by any student and the number of seats to be allotted. I guess one should obtain at least 60+ to qualify for Part-B.

      You may learn here on how to prepare for CEED - How to prepare for CEED exam

  27. Hello Sir,

    I tried solving some CEED previous year questions, where i can mail or share the pics for your comments for improvement.

    1. Hello Anshima,

      Because of my last year experience with some CEED aspirants, I stopped sharing my mail ID and avoided connecting with people in FB or being active in groups. Anyway, you may drop your works as a private post in Google+, I will check and revert then. Hope, that's ok :)

  28. Hi bhanu
    my question, i think, will seems to be stupid somewhat...
    What is d general cut off marks (roughly) required to get into IDC Mumbai and IISc Banglore
    I know it varies year to year...
    But roughly...???

    1. For IDC may be your score should be not less than 34 I guess (based on last year cutoff) i'm not sure about IISC

  29. Hi Bhanu,

    I had a doubt regarding one of the design questions in CEED.
    In communication design questions, for example to draw a poster in year 2012, we have to draw 3 concepts before drawing the final poster.
    I cannot understand this concept thing. I can draw a poster but what should i draw in the space provided for concept 1,2 and 3.
    Please help with an example.

    1. I got your mail, I have already replied to that with an attachment as an example. Hope that gives you some idea.

    2. can u post the link of the attachment file here plz.

  30. helo sir
    i have read somewhre that we have to apply to some institutes before ceed results are out. Is that true ?
    can u give me any website or forum link which will notify me about forms which are out
    or from where i will get that news ?
    do i have to see myself everyday

    1. Hello there,
      I don't think so, last year college notifications are out after January and the results are declared after 3rd. Anyway, better periodically check the institute websites for dates. Or else just examine last years dates. That will provide you won rough idea on which week of month notifications would be out. Other than that I don't know any forum or something where these details could be found.

  31. Hello brother, pls say me the cutoff mark should be scored in CEED and pls detail it

    1. Hello Gowtham,
      CEED cutoff every year, and I can't give you a clear and confirm picture or numbers related to cut offs. It mainly depends on the number of people attempted, number of students who achieved some average scores and so on. Based on these facts, they will set some limit I guess. Last year for part B, IITB chose 34 as selection marks. For the rest IIT's I'm not sure.

  32. Hello Bhanu Sir,
    That's Anshu ,i wanna to know ,this yr how much increased the standard by iit & how could be difficult for new applicants,what will be getting avg marks or possible marks
    your blog is fabulous.

    1. This year, paper seemed to be tough for almost all and so possibly, the cut off's would drop. Each year, CEED exam tries to cover different aspects, that is not covered anywhere in the web, so it's general to note that CEED difficult level is almost the same every year. Except that you should be capable to handle all those, so called new subject questions with ease.
      I don't think there's any difficult for new applicants, once they get familiar with the pits and holes of the exam, then they could be considered equally in knowledge to those who have already gave the exam once or many times. Just analyse the pattern, or learn from this blog and other sources and try to prepare accordingly. That way, any one can crack the exam, doesn't matter whether he/she is new or experienced !

  33. Sir, how can i preapare for UCEED???... part form doing CEED part-A questions what are the other sources that i can praepare from...???

    1. I have given a basic approach to deal with UCEED in other post comment, just go through the below for now, I will try to cover UCEED topics in my coming posts as soon as I get time.

      "Well, since UCEED is new of its kind and since we don't have any previous papers (so as to analyse the pattern), I cannot give an exact pattern or study process like I gave for M.Des CEED right now. Anyway based on the exam timings (6hrs - 3hr for Part A and 3hr for Part - B, both being of MCQ type) I could say that you need not have to worry about drawing/sketching for now. Although the course demands your sketching and design skills (that you can develop coz this is the right time to do so) but coming to the exam point of view, for now, you need to focus on design and mathematical aptitude with little or more concern towards social initiatives. Better if you go through the following :

      1. Sketching/drawing terms and terminology
      2. Definition and role of diff. design streams
      3. Logo's; visual and illusive picture demonstration
      4. Ability to analyze a given picture and come up with problems or identify creative
      hidden concepts
      5. Mathematical aptitude and Logical reasoning
      6. geometrical picture Reasoning
      7. Pattern identification of geometric 2D images
      8. Puzzles with pictures, numbers and shapes etc

      These are some quick topics that you can concentrate for now. If time permits, I would also try to give a detailed description or so called proceedure to deal with uCEED along with the resources like I did for CEED.

      Hope this helps and I would recommend you to explore the Part A resources and as well as the topics in this page for your initial knowledge, that should give you some idea"

  34. Hello, if I have to choose between a mac which is equivalent to an i5 processor and an i7 dell laptop which one should I choose? Im starting my ug design course next month or maybe in august. Please reply asap! Thanks

    1. both are fine, I would have gone for mac particularly if i'm into design!

  35. Would you please tell me what is the approx cut off in part A in ceed?
    It's not written any where and calculated total number of candidates. I want to the cut off in last 2 years if possible.

    1. cut offs are never revealed and it varies every year based in many factors.

    2. Cutoff for 2013 was 20. I'm not sure about the latest cut offs although!

  36. Could you please upload MSQ type questions for UCEED?

  37. how many seats are there in IITB for M&V DESIGN each year??

    1. < 10, To find the number of seats of any institute, go through that institute website, then search for students/people under M&V Design, or any other design stream for that matter !

  38. hello bhanu ,what is design portfolio,how to make our own design portfoilo and what it should contain?

  39. Sir please provide information regarding upcoming ceed exam

  40. Dear Bhanu Sir, your STUFFYOULOOK blog is much helpful for CEED and other design entrance exams.Thank you Sir.

  41. Hi,

    Can you tell me list of topics/section that needs to covered for preparation of ceed?


    1. That's already discussed in several other posts! anyway here i'm leaving the links where you can get the list

      Part A Resources with Syllabus and pattern for CEED

      Links and sub-headings provided in the above post are the topics that one must ponder on as part of CEED prep.

      For Part-B topics list, you may want to check the subheadings of this post

      hope, this works!
      Part B topics for CEED exam

  42. Hi,
    Can you tell me how to do this
    1. A bicycle is dismantled into various parts. Use your creativity and imagination
    and come up with a new product using some or all of the parts. Make a sketch of
    your product and give a brief description

    1. Think laterally n come up with some ideas, some examples being
      1. Make a grinder with the dismantled items
      2. Use the manual mechanism to draw water from a well, say as an useful manual tool for villagers or farmers
      3. Grain crushers etc and lot more to mention

      You need to take any one of your ideas and elaborate it adding more data, sketches and explanations to it. Hope u got some idea!

  43. This blog is so helpful for us
    thanks for this blog sir and
    I want to know 1 thing i write answer in hindi in ceed exam ..

    1. There isn't much writing work needed in ceed, unless they gave story writing or some writing questions. Part A is choice type, only in some Part B section, you need to express in writing. But the medium of instructions should only be in English - if i'm not wrong.

  44. I have a bit confusion about which question to attend first in part-b in order to answer all the questions within 2 hours efficiently. Please give suggestions to score well in part-b.

    1. You need to watch this video to answer your question, it's clearly explained in the video created by me!

      How to crack CEED exam - how to organise questions and time during CEED exam

  45. i am sending my creative works here , please do check out these links and give me your feedback and before you come to a conclusion these are not my designs , these are sketches and photographs that i think showcases my creativity . sketches photography

  46. Hi Bhanu,

    First of all thanks for such a wonderfully structured blog to help CEED aspirants. It has eased up the tension of resource gathering a lot.

    Coming to the question.. I am a working person with a 9.5hrs a day job. I have started my preparation for CEED about 2 months back giving an hour or two a day.
    With around 15 days remaining, i have lost my cool and unable to make a focused plan and study.
    I am average at my sketching/painting skills as i practiced it as a hobby.

    Please help me with planning effective study for last 15 days to cover up the GK for Part A and confidence for Part B.

    I can give around 2 hours on weekdays and 6 on weekends.
    Awaiting a response.

    1. According to me, part A can be categorized into 20-30 individual sections based on the topics that I listed in part a resource page, so for anyone starting before 15 days, they need to cover at least two topics per day, as well as take sample tests specific for that covered topics. Intensive sketching at this moment would be time taking and the best option could be to synthesise the design problem and make a rough sketch of your imaginative ides, remember the following imp. points
      1. Imagining is imp
      2. Imagined design shld be creative n workable
      3. u shld be able to illustrate them at any cost
      so, a rough sketch and a mental idea of how u can sketch them would help u without u actually taking part in sketch. By now, you (anyone) shld be skilled at least average level in sketching. So, probably u (anyone) shouldn't feel difficult in implementing ur idea during exam.
      30-45 min for design sketch (try to take two design sketches) n > one hour for part a will help u.
      -> try not to take all design stream ques! consider three to four streams (that u r best at) n try to solve sample questions related to those streams at this pt of time.
      -> don't go for portraits n car sketches at this pt of time (yes, i always keep saying this for ceed students, note the importance!)

      If u have time, u chk my tips n hints in the videos

      How to prepare for CEED in 1 week

      How to crack CEED at final stage

      hope this works for u, all d best....

    2. Thanks a lot for the quick reply Bhanu! :)

  47. Hello,
    Can someone give me a little guidance on how to solve the problems which involves creating products out of some given shapes such as discs, cones, cubes, wires etc.
    For example in 2010 there was a similar question and I am not sure how to solve them.
    "Question 5 [10 Marks] You have at your disposal the following five objects – 1 Cone, 3 Discs and 1 flexible Wire as given below.
    Imagine five interesting products made out of a combination of all five objects. You can scale the objects to any size or dimension.
    Represent your ideas with neat sketches, name them along with brief notes (if necessary) in the space provided
    Evaluation criteria: Originality of Ideas"
    I would be really grateful if someone could help me out with this.
    Can we use other objects to join the given objects? Can we assume the objects to be hollow?
    Thank You

    1. You cannot use other shapes/objects or even think of making holes in them, u NEED to consider the given scenario as it is. but yes only scaling is allowed, no manipulation!

      You need to think of some ideas using them like say
      1. making of a toy
      2. Women necklace or jewel
      3. Fancy showcase item
      4. paper weight of unique designed shape
      5. A chair/table!

      and so on, these are just a brief n moment splash idea, u could think for some minutes n can create some more creative things using them. To be master in this type of ques, one must have exposure to various DIY creative works from a while! that way one could easily think of ideas within short time, but if it's the first try, it takes time! I don't recommend you people to go thru creative ideas at this time, it is time consuming, even searching for them itself eats your time, This should have done earlier, anyway, some of the links in part A resource page might be helpful.

  48. Thank you for the prompt reply. I still have a doubt though. Forgive me if i am asking a silly question but to make the tables or a jewellery we do have to join the parts right ?

    1. ya, of course u need to, but assuring that you just need to gather parts in order to make them a useful shape (or assuming that the parts are allowed to stick, tie etc), but hollow shaping of things is not allowed, if allowed for say a cylinder shape, it will take some other form.

  49. Sir but the question does not specifically say anything about the structure of the objects given , if that wou the case they would have mentioned it in the question , something like use only solid forms or hollowing of the objects is not allowed. Don't you think sir . ,I think that the only restriction here is to use the three dimensional objects . I am confused sir , please clarify , because most of the things asked in ceed are very clearly specified .

  50. part-b how much detailed drawing should be there for the storyboard. For example a good detailed drawing with shadows or just simple line drawings with little detail please help!!

    1. It depends on time it takes, if u have less frames and good amount of time, consider doing in proper way, if u want to draw more frames and time is less, then line drawing with little details are suffficient. Make sure that the whatever the way, the story is communicated well with the story being good!

  51. Hi,

    Can you give tricks and trips for brush up skills for Part A ?
    Can we have few more sets of mock up tests ?


    1. I already replied your same query in CEED page, please check there!

  52. in ceed the animation design question ,point . 2 , making three alternate sketches for each characters . what does three alternate skectch of the same character mean , do they want create three different types of poacher lets say one is mean , other is kind and other is poor, and how can we do that ?

    1. You already got the reply to this question, anyway let me copy that here, so that others would also get to know if they have similar doubt

      "In any story board, comic strips or any animation related story narration, one imp concept is maintaining the same character through out the story, in the sense, they (characters) should look same/identical in every frame with unique identity. Now, what the examiners (for this question) is expecting from you is they wanted u to make three different (looks with diff identity) ways of representing the character. like if say for tiger, tiger1, tiger 2, tiger3 with diff identity, so that if say u make a story with these three tigers, then we could easily recogninze and distinguish between each, so for the human, tiger and sparrow, make three diff characters"

  53. Hi Bhanu! I am Ritu, a ceed aspirant!
    Firstly I would like to thank you creating such a blog to help us so much ceed exam preperation.
    Since there are hardly 5 days left for the exam, Can you give an idea as to howmuch could be the part a cut off for qualification? I mean the process is known,but still if we could get a score number idea it would be helpful.
    Another query was, how much in detail should be the screenshots of questions in interaction design? because i am a little weak in cartooning, i wish to answere the UXI Questions... but do we have to colour them and detail it out?

    1. hello again Ritu,
      Pl. don't ask me abt cutoff's at this time, discussing abt them is waste, if I say 30 will you going to restrict only for 30 marks ? or if i say 80 and you know only 50 will you be able to get 80? I'm just telling coz don't restrict for cut-off's attempt, as many ques u know or confident to greater extent. Hope u understood.

      Regarding ur UXI query, its not required to color them, - color only if u feel like showing major differences ir highlight some imp part of ur slide etc. Detailing is also not required, but the UXI concepts should be met, It should be simple, easily understandable, navigable. meets all the conditions or requirements of the task to be done (as required by the examiners) in the stipulated frames/slides. You may check the bullet points (listed at the end of the post in the link) for more guide to UXI. All the best Ritu

      Tips and Rules of User Interface Design for CEED students

  54. I am going to give CEED first time this year...can anyone tell me how many drawing sheets they provide us? and what is its size?....and how much space should we utilise for particular 50 marks questions and other questions?....and how much space to be used for explanation part of particular question?

    1. They will provide sufficient sheets that you may find more than enough for ur needs, generally in excess of what anyone needs, so don't worry. You will be given iA4 size papers. Space details will be clearly mentioned in the paper itself (printed). Nothing to bother!

    2. thanks BHANU!!!!!!!!!and I must say your blog is damn have organised the required matter for exam really well !!!!hatsoff!!!...a hearty thanks to you!!

  55. Hello sir,
    Could you tell me what would be a descent number of attempts for part B? As there are 5 to 6 questions and some of the require to draw 20 frames. we are not suppose to attempt all the questions, right?

    1. ya, not all ques r to be attempted, there will be optional design ques (esp for 50 marks design ques). You can clearly get the instructions during exam. Anyway this video should help you on how to attempt design questions systematically in CEED exam - How to attempt design questions during CEED for max score

  56. drawing board what size can we carry or will they provide the drawing board this might be silly but fr me its imp

    1. I don't think boards will be helpful, paper size provided is A4, and obviously you have to sit and attempt questions. So, may be pads will do the job.

  57. Hello guys,
    How was everyone's exam? Personally for me part A was a bit lengthy. Any guesses on the screening marks for part A?

  58. what was the cutoff marks for UCEED 2015. does anyone know marks of the top rankers??

  59. Hello sir,
    I recently appeared for NID exam n i have doubt regarding the same. There was one question related to phsics and i need answer for that
    In the question there was a U shaped struture given.The starting left tip of U was marked A n other tip was marked B.Different material balls was released from point A to B n was asked Which ball will complete the destination early?
    A) iron ball B) wooden ball C) ruber ball
    Kindly reply to this question

  60. Hey, I'm Kabir ,I'm preparing for UCEED 2016,could you list some topics that are the most important,like famous paintings and GK type questions? and
    do you have any idea as to how many people are appearing?

  61. Hi Bhanu,

    I have closely followed and used your blog to study for the CEED exam. Thanks for all the help and resources.

    I have qualified the exam however my rank doesn't seem to be great. It is 554, with 30 marks in Part B.

    Can you please let me know if i stand a chance at the premier institutes?

    Also, help on the Portfolio will be highly appreciated.

    Awaiting your response.

    Thanks and Regards,

    1. Thanks for the write up. Although it's difficult for you to get in top IIT's or IISC, you can try for IIITDM Jabalpur or even IIIT Hyd. Anyway keep a watch on all institute cutoffs as I'm not prety sure upto what ranks they accept. You can get portfolio tips here -

      Tips for making design portfolio

      Also, check for portfolio examples of CEED and NID students.

  62. Hi bhanu sir, it was my first attempt for CEED & i have qualified for CEED 2016 and got 122 rank with 43 marks. Special thanks to you for your guidance to my preparation.
    Further, i have a few questions:
    1. Can i apply in IIT?
    2. Should i apply in all IIT's ?
    3. What is design aptitude Test at IIT Bombay. How to get prepared for that?

    Please help me out and thanking you once again :-) your blog really helped me alot.

    1. Great news Feroz, happy for you. Ya u can and in fact u have to apply for IIT. Not in all IITs, otherwsie you will end up with date clashes not deciding which one to take. So, based on your rank, and base on the cutoff mentioned in individual insti webpages, chk the instis that matches to your rank and apply accordingly. Go for more than two but not all. Im not sure whether your rank is accepted in TTB, other than that IITD, IITK and others are better fit.

      DAT is basically stream specific and covers ques related to aptitude (and may be on hands on too). I think prep similar to CEED will be gud, but I doubt whether GA will be asked or not. I think GA is not that imp - just a guess!. Prepare for the remaining, design n apti ques.

  63. Hi Sir, First I would like to thank you for your tireless effort to maintain this very informative blog of yours. It really is helping out the CEED/NID aspirants.

    I belong to ST quota and I scored 50.8 in the DAT test and I got selected for the second and third round but am being a little hesitant for appearing those because I scored just above the cut off marks(47.75) and the fear of failure is just adding to my worries. Also, I made it to the studio tests and interview phase last year but due to low score I wasnt selected for the admission. Do you think I should appear for the next rounds as well?

    Secondly, I am not being able to prepare properly due to lack of materials in my hometown. Specially for the material handling and clay modelling. I have no experience in those and I need some serious lessons in that regard. Can you help out how to gear up for those two exercises?
    Thanking you in anticipation.

    1. You better apply for the next rounds. I son't know about matl handling n clay modelling. Hopefully u will get related materials by advanced google searches. Sorry for not being of much help.

  64. hi bhanu
    i need little help in answering a question from IDC application.
    task - you need to select three examples of industrial design from india.

    i m not getting what exactly "from india" means whether the product has to manufactured in india only or designed only??
    If you can give a example to make me understand it would be great help for me.

    1. Any design that has its roots from India are worth considering. Manufacturing is not a matter. Also, consider designs that are more user centric (especially to general public). Examples ? ......... here are some -
      an aesthetic work table/chair,
      special purpose printer,
      money counting machines,
      mobile phones (or say walkie talkies),
      a tool used,
      vehicle etc..... and what not anything that is industry/product based.
      Do an average web search to get more ideas. Esp go through google images, here is a link for ur quick visit

      Also -

  65. hey thank you very much bhanu

  66. Hello sir! Have you put up the answer key for UCEED 2016 paper? Because I looked in the UCEED tab but couldnt find it :(
    If yes, could you please link it to me? Thank you.
    Also is the CEED 2016 paper not available on the internet??

    1. No, I haven't solved UCEED 2016 paper yet. Will share them whenver I'm done. CEED 2016 paper is available with answer key, you can check it here

  67. Sir ,can u plz post the link for CEED 2017 online application form.

    1. CEED 2017 website is NOT OPEN and the applications are NOT AVAILABLE yet. Hopefully it should be released in one or two days. Pl. note this. I will update about the status in FB whenever it gets released. FYI.

  68. hello sir myself sanju kadu i have been completed in electrical engineering this year.last year i have appeared for NID DAT EXAM without any preparation i got 49.50 marks but i could not make it for next now i have decided to prepare for these exams with all my efforts. n i wanna ask u that, what is basic difference between CEED and NID DAT preparations? from today i am going to start my preparations. is there any proper syllabus for d preparation?n from which topic should i start first..i have basic sketching prospective skills..waiting for your reply sir...

    1. While both the exams are design based, they do differ in some ways. Let me list some points: course structure, way of approach, applications, career, technology involvement etc.
      As far as I've seen, those students good at sketching and are good fans of artistic approach lands in NID, and those who although have artistic approach in mind, but also want a module which helps i boosting career meeting the design needs ogf the fields choose for CEED. One more observation from me is those who lack (or slow) in mathematical/aptitudal and analytical thinking always prefer NID. I'm not criticizing, but just telling the fact I've interacted, but it has to be noted that they are well versed in terms if creativity, art/paint skills with good knowledge on design field. So, althoguh tough to explain, I can say its a personal choice how one wants to be!
      If I were to be a design student I would prefer CEED as i'm just avg at drawing and application of media, as well as I do need some aptitude in my course/career.
      I hope u haven't checked the appropriate headings of this blog. This whole blog is for design exams only and I've categorized them under separate menus is clearly visible at the top of this page. Eespe. for NID exam, one must do well in drawing esp. object sketching with utmost care on composition/texture/shades/line quality etc. So, sharpen ur drawing skills with simultaneous study on the screening process (aptitude/MCQ/MSQ).

  69. Hi

    i have done my bachelors in architecture and have great interest for furniture design.
    will a masters in industrial design help the cause?

    also i am preparing for CEED and NID, does the portfolio i prepare need to include any furniture products or will a architecture based portfolio satisfy the need for one.


    1. I doubt whether Masters in ID satisfies ur need. ID covers a broad range of topics covering mostly day to day products applicable to industry/commercial point of view. While furniture is a part, but it might not be the sole concern.
      In NID, there's course on furniture Design if im not wrong, why don't u aim for that? ya, give ceed too for safer side!
      Regarding ur portfolio, better if u show both ur works, ur archi works depicts ur previous hold on the subject, and ur furniture works will show ur current interest n capabilities, showing only one might not seems advantage but showing both works fne - I believe. Think!

  70. Hi Bhanu,

    Firstly, a big thank you for creating this wonderful blog loaded with resources and nice people who are ready to share and learn.

    I am applying for both CEED and DAT 2017.

    We can apply for max of 2 disciplines in NID while applying for DAT which can not be changed later. I worked as a UI developer before. I wish to become an UEx designer. I am confused which disciplines to choose among Information Design, Universal Design, Interaction Design. I am unable find differences among them. Could you please advise?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. I heard mixed reviews about universal design at NID. Career options for ceramic design and universal desig nseems minimal. And since u r from UI background, I think UEx and interaction design are the two best option for you. These are just my views, what you can d osi go through some pilot projects or samples in say youtube about each design listed above by u, and then see which kind of projects interest u or matches to ur expertise. I belive u will still like UEx n interaction. Let me know ur selection after u choose.

    2. Thanks a lot. I chose Information Design and Interaction Design.

    3. Great, congrats and gud luk ahead :)

  71. This year, nothing is given on CEED brochure regarding marking scheme...let me know if there is any change in the same and if not then please post the marking scheme of Part A. Correct me if i am wrong.. 1st and last section of Part A have negative marking and the 2nd one is free from -ve marking but have multiple answers and we have to select all correct answers in order to get marks for that question.

    1. yes, nothing has been particularly mentioned about the marking system. So, we can safely assume that there isn't any change from last year pattern that you've mentioned. Anyway, any sample test paper that will be released by them will help us in knowing about the pattern. Let's wait until then.

  72. Hello sir.
    My application is on hold for dob proof. Can i upload PAN card as proof now,previously i uploaded my 10th marksheet.

  73. Hi Bhanu, just for clarity sake. What to carry and what not to carry to the CEED exam ?

    1. u can chk first few comments of this page above.

  74. Sir, I have a doubt regarding NID DAT.

    Que. Using Color scheme. Represent the following words.

    What does it mean by color scheme??

    1. colors are usually used to represent the nature of mood, characteristics, luck etc. Like for example Blue color represents peace and calm and so on. Every design be it is website design has color selection part which plays a vital role like say FB page for which they r using dark blue to allow for longer browsing and pleasantness. So, select four colors for the given four schemes in the ques, that's what they probably meant!

    2. It is a 10 mark question so i was confused.
      Thanks for prompt reply.

    3. is it's for 10 marks then you probably can add something like - why you choose that color for the given category say for Peace. Explain little bit in written if allowed.

  75. Sir There was one question in ceed 2015 for framing three sentences by using THIEF ,WALLET ,SCHOOL ?
    ANS: Ram got wallet as birthday present.He brought wallet in school to show his mates.Unfortunately theif stole wallet from his backpocket.
    My doubt is in three sentences how much shoud be the lenght of each sentence ?

    1. thing is your answer cannot be short, if they have asked for say 10 marks, then I suppose your story should be not less than 8-10 lines. It cannot be this short, Look into the marking criteria and eloborate or make your story accordingly. Remember, in our college exams we used to give a minimal of 2 line of answer for even 1 mark question. How can you make a story of 1/2 lines for 10 marks questions and your story should be more creative. I would suggets u to chk this story making skills, although it's for images, u can use the words to make one like that

  76. What is the expected cutoff for CEED 2017 part A?

  77. Dear sir
    do you think a score of 122 in uceed 2017 can help me get admission in iiit jabalpur

  78. Dear sir ...i m graduated from bhu in history .am i aligible for ceed m.des exam..

  79. According to CEED Brochure, eligibility is

    'Candidates having passed a degree/diploma/post-graduate degree programme of 4 yrs or 3+2 yrs (after 10+2 level), or must be appearing for the final examination of such a prog, or must have passed the GD Arts diploma prog (10+5 level).'

    So, they mean that ur background (history) is actually not an obstruction for applying to CEED, and if ur graduation falls in any one of the above listed form, then u r indeed eligible.

    1. Thnku sir....
      Sir pls provide any guidence for nift m.des entrance exam..

    2. not really sure whether I get time for NIFT or not, but will consider nift in my list

  80. Sir i need to understand more about making a portfolio for transportation, animation and product design. Kindly provide a link to any good or selected portfolio.

    1. Feroz, if u r starting ur prep for the coming exams, then portfolio is not required right now, u can chec kthe below video why i'm telling that

      But if u r giving any admission interview right now, you may ccheck this - which is not specific portfolio though but a generalized one n unfortunately i've only that much

  81. Sir, I want to be a fashion stylist which courses or books beneficial for me, Pls provide some good course information and named of books.

  82. Can you help me with daily time table if I start now

  83. What things can we carry for UCEED Exam ?
    Is there any rough sheet given so we can work out ?

    1. rough sheets will be provided by them, just carry basic things like set of pens and a pencil with others like ID proofs etc. Although the exam is online, just for safety, carry the minimal things

  84. bhanu sir, can you please help me with the questions related to font identification in CEED.

    1. This page has good collection of Font related topics, u can study from them

  85. Hey, your blog has always been a great help to me. However I am facing some problem on animal's sketching. Do you have any guide on the same as well?

    1. i think i've updated them in nid page, do check in nid resource page, if not i will try to collect n share later.

  86. Bhanu sir,can u plz help me by solving 2017,2015(industrial,product design) questions

    1. design ideas shlould better be attempted by self, only then we can improve, i would suggest u to make ur initial tries and do attempt even if it consumes the whole idea coz getting idea is the fore most concern for ceed. attempt it n share with me, then i will try to give feedback based on which u can improve further.

  87. Hi sir

    This is samyuktha. I applied for ceed exam. I'm very worried that how do I start my preparation for my exam because only one month left and I don't have any knowledge on related syllabus please can u guide me

    What is the qualifications score mark for ceed

    1. chk the two links

  88. Tq sir

    I think it will help for my preparation.

  89. I have practice on ball pens__I directly use them__I don't have good hand on pencil___what should I do__only 4 days left

  90. Sir please have a look at ceed 2018 question paper and draft answer key available on ceed website. Could you provide solution to the question number 8 from NAT section.

  91. Hello, sir, I'm Pranil and I've studied for just one week from your blog and scored 122 in uceed 2018. Can u please tell me which college can I get? My AIR is 2985 and under category it is 90.

  92. I have scored around 41 marks in part A and the min qualifying marks for part A are 34.6 yet i am not qualified and my main query is that my entire part B is shown as not attempted....kindly help

    1. This has happened to many students this year. Few of them called to the CEED organisers and the following is what they got as reply.
      'Regardless of whether a student marked/ticked online and in the mark sheet during the exam or not, evaluation was done for them. Based on the new criteria of 25% part A score and 75% part B score, overall score was evaluated.Based on which if a student cleared the cutoff, he will be updated the result. If a student didn't cleared the cutoff and hadn't marked during the exam, then the status for that student would be shown as 'not attempted''

      This is what they said. I think it's the mistake of portal.

  93. Bhanu sir, this year ceed has proven itself a total fraud. Even their result portal is not showing things in the right way. It is not showing any total marks obtained in part B. What happened to their policy of clearing of Part A then part B will be checked. My question is if one has cleared part A then ceed should show the candidate's marks in both parts separately rather just showing them not qualified and nothing else. I had cleared CEED before and also went to IDC. But this year i am really surprised. On the other hand i got 23rd rank in NID and for CEED i am not qualified. Isn't it ridiculous? I mean what is this. CEED is not a fair game now. They are cheating us.

    1. Hello Feroz,
      I agree with you. And, this is not the first time happening. Even this year, many people have complained that though they had clearwd part A, and attempted all the questions in Part B, the portals says like ‘not attenpted’ Many students called and they were told that they were told that their papers had been verified. But I doubt that they didn’t. In fact, the very pattern of CEED is not correctly screening the students. In my tears of experience, every year I will hear about one or two students who definitely are very good designers already. A guy I know couldn’t clear ceed for two successive years, gave NID and is in NID currently. Right now he has been getting several awards as best designer. In fact, this is same with NID too. These competitive scams are loosing the ability to screen the correct students. Hope, things will sort from the next year.

  94. Iam planning to do M.Des. Is CEED the common examination for both Bachelor's and Master's course?

  95. Sir
    Any graduate is eligible for this entrance ?
    I mean someone from non-design background.

    1. Non-design background students are very much eligible. Frankly, many of those applying for masters in design are from engineering background. Just that make sure u meet the required eligibility criteria.

  96. Hello sir, I am AnuKriti and I am preparing for CEED 2020. Your blog is amazing. I am having a doubt that are colors compulsory for the exam. If I don't use colors in any of the drawing questions, then will my marks get deducted?

  97. You should take it at exam hall and work according to given questions.

  98. hey, currently I'm doing my graduation programme in BSc, can I give m.des entrance exam further, as I'm interested in designing and already have started practicing. please tell me am I eligible for m.des?

  99. Is there a virtual calculator available on screen for part a


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