

23 March 2018

Answer key to CEED 2018 Part-A question paper

I somehow managed time to answer CEED 2018 question paper (exam 1).  Hope you find this post useful. Surprisingly most of the questions covered UCEED syllabus like paragraph comprehension etc. So, like I usually suggest, you may consider practicing both CEED  and UCEED previous papers and Mock tests. 

You may download CEED 2018 question paper here

CEED 2018 answer key with explanations

1) 62

The solid is symmetry in front and back sides but not in sides.
Front side - 10
Back side - 10 (symmetry - same as front)
Right side - 12
Left side - 9
Top - 11
Bottom - 10

Total - 62

2) 12

Apart from the given 4 patterns, the following seven patterns (exclude pattern 10) can be obtained as shown in the figure.

Edit: Patterns 9 and 10 has to be considered same as it was mentioned in the ques that flipping or rotation is allowed.

3) 23

Below image shows the patterns and the number of times they are repeated.

4) 25

By very close observation.

Either go row-wise or column-wise to prevent recounting the squares. Use the bigger rectangle as a reference to avoid confusion.


I'm not getting this question. I can share the below links so that you can figure it out.

Hue Value Saturation -

Here is an online tool for fun -

6) 6

The below picture shows the hidden words.

7) 3736

The answer is simple,

Considering the codes, the difference between the successive numbers are 404. (in mathematics, this sequence is called Arithmetic Progression). For example, the difference between 4 and 5 is
1716-1312 = 404
Likewise the difference between 7 and 8 is
3332 - 2928 = 404
So, the code for number 9 should be 404 more than the code for number 8
 = 3332 + 404 = 3736

The below image shows the explanation

8) 15

Below figure shows the arrangement of the chess board. Considering the yellow boxes as the ones being occupied by pawns while the blue is occupied by the knight. The following sequences of steps are to be taken to make the minimum no. of moves

2, 12, 18, 28, 11, 26, 20, 10, 27, 37, 47, 53, 38, 55, 45, 39

9) C,D 

I hope you can figure this out.

10) B, C, D

11) B, D

A and C doesn't fit the statement.

12) B, C

13) A, B 

Escher work collections - the guardian

work gallery

Official gallery

14) A, B

stat 2 - All logos are abstract visuals.
stat 3 - All photographs are non-abstract visuals.

Both the statements imply that logos and photographs are two opposite things for they are abstract and non-abstract respectively. So, Options A and B are a good fit. Options C and D are contradicting the statements.

15) A, B, C

D doesn't seem to support the reason for keeping full or near full tank. According to D, it means that either full tank or non-full tank has the same effect on the fuel efficiency but it is not recommending the reason for maintaining the full tank.

16) B, D

Mirrors used in automobiles are designed such that they show small images than enlarged images so that the driver would get a better and wider view.  He would get a clear view of its left and right.Say the object is very near to the vehicle, then without any magnification, the object would appear big in the mirror, making it difficult to see the status of occupancy or position That's why I believe the mirrors were made to show smaller in size.

17) D

Below figures show the explanation. Numbering the symbols 1,2,3,4,5,6, The patterns in A,B,C,D are as shown.

Assuming that A and B cubes are correct, B is obtained by rotating A twice in the clockwise direction such that no. 1 is in the same face. If we did so, it means the position of both 2 and 3 are turned twice in clockwise. This is shown in Fig. 1. The numbers 2 and 3 are marked. Now the only number left is 6, which should be on the back surface as marked as S1 shown in Fig.1. So, the invisible surfaces on the back are 2 and 6. Figure 2 shows the back side parts neglecting the front 2 surfaces 1 and 5.

Option C is just a turned view of Fig 2 as you can clearly see. In Fig.1, when the surfaces numbered 1 and 5 are horizontal, surface 3 should be on the bottom. But in D, it is shown as top and hence it is wrong.

(Note: This problem can also be looked upon as a tessellation problem. Try to flatten the surface and number accordingly. Find the mismatch.)

18) D

Had the case the cut was made as shown in figure 1, the option would be C. Because the cut is happening diagonally and the cut portion will be symmetrical on the diagonal at the centre. Cut in the centre will have a higher width and it goes on decreasing till the top/bottom.

But, the cut shown in the figure is not diagonally but is curved. And the curve is bent to the right bottom. The points where the central axis and the cut is meeting (on both sides) is not at the central height but below it as marked in figure 2. So, the maximum width of the cut would somewhere at X-X. The joining at the top should be sharp since there will be no curve.

19) D 

Below figure shows the different configurations. Just rotate the pattern A clockwise or anti-clockwise every 90 degree

20) D

Unfold in the reverse order of folding. Each time mirror the holes along the axis of the unfolding edge as shown in the figure.

21) A

Delhi-Thiruvananthapuram is the longest distance, so it should come in the last. The distance between Kolkatta and Bengaluru is lesser than the distance between Ahmedabad and Guwahati.

22) D

It's one of the well-known art of RRV, well known as 'Hamsa Damayanti'. For more about different painter/paintings, check the below links

23) C

Check - art history timeline 

Also check - modern art movements 

A very useful pdf on art moment timeline of all over the world 

24) B

Match either row wise or column wise. Say, I chose column-wise, for every column in the black pattern, I align magenta coloured squares in the second pattern alongside the first. By doing so, it will be seen that A and B are almost same except for the difference in 5th row 3rd and 4th column.

25) C

It is clear from the below image that the landings are a slant. And the thickness of the alphabets is equal.

Also, the curves (as shown in the below figure) and the round of the alphabet (na) matters. Only C satisfies the font style.

26) B

Twinkling happens because of the turbulence in the atmosphere. Because of the turbulence, the light from the star is refracted in different directions.

Source - 

27) A

Clearly, the woman is angry and/or annoyed

Image 2 - Panic
Image 3 - Sob
Image 4 - surprise/shocked
Image 5 - Hmph!/sad/Disappointed

28) A

Check the below link or the complete flags - Image of flags of all nations here

29) D

It's very clear by observing the front leg and the position of the bat.
To learn more - Step by step animation process guide

30) B

Clearly, Elon musk is related to Tesla. Dean Kamen is related to Segway. Hence option B suits

31) A

Regardless of the number of pulleys (say thousands), the length of the top that lifts is equal to the length of the rope pulled by the vehicle. Based on the fact that the length of the rope remains same. Had the case any of the pulleys are moving, the answer would be different.

32) D

Here is a website that is fun to go through -

33) B

34) D

Here is a collection of Charles and Ray Earnes works -

Here is a collection of Harry Bertoia's works -
and his furniture portfolio -

Philippe Starck Design collections -

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe design works page 1 and Design works -2

By going through them all, you can check the difference of the style that each follow.

35) D

Clearly, 2 is the best one which offers easy accessibility from one entity to the rest. 4 is the next easy one. And, 1 and 5 offers the least accessibility from one entity to another.

36) A

Here is an image that will help you figure out the bone links.


37) C

Below image points the differences
click the image to enlarge

38) C

Rob Janoff is the designer of Apple logo. The bite out of the apple was made so that people did not mistake the apple for a cherry or another fruit.

39) C

Kanji are the adopted logographic Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese writing system. They are used alongside hiragana and katakana. The Japanese term kanji for the Chinese characters literally means "Han characters". It is written with the same term and characters in the Chinese language to refer to the character writing system, hanzi.

Jiaguwen (Oracle bone script) was the form of Chinese characters used on oracle bones—animal bones or turtle plastrons used in pyromantic divination—in the late 2nd millennium BCE, and is the earliest known form of Chinese writing.

Source - Wikipedia

40) D

Slow motion needs more than 24fps

Universally accepted film frame rate is 24fps
Some 1080i high definition cameras can record at 50 frame rate.

For more - a guide on video and media

41) B

This page gives a detailed guide 


  1. Hi Sir..
    In ques 2, fig 9 and 10 aren't same as that of given in the example 4(a,b,c,d) ??

    1. They are same because they can be produced just by rotation

    2. you missed out one figure in question 2

  2. Good Morning Sir,Part-A solutions explanations was superb i understood it well.It would be great if you could guide for Part-B solutions.This time Part-B was full of interesting and challenging questions,any rough sketches for the same will definetely gonna help.

    1. part B sample ques are available here including few solutions. In future, i will try to add more.

  3. In question number 2 - 9th & 10th option are same figure so we don't count as different.

  4. In question 6, I don't think COM should be counted as a word. The missing word in the pic is BAN; in the first line.

  5. hello Sir, In question No 2 I have a confusion ... Is not the shape 9 & 10 are similar? Can you please explain..

  6. hello Sir , In question number 6th hid is also there....past tense od hide , will it be counted ?

  7. Q.2 solution is wrong.
    9 & 10 shapes are same you just need to flip and rotate one to get the other.

  8. question 14 has a better solution
    last two digit are multiple of 4
    1st two digit is lst two digit+1

  9. Hi Sir, I just wanted to know for question no. 2, isn't fig.9 formed by flipping fig.6?

    1. 9 and 6 are two diff patterns. So, it can't be.

  10. question no. 6 = there is a word "BAN", in the first row, i think it should be included too

    1. Yes, that is actually a word. COM is not.

  11. Hello Sir,
    Thanks for the solutions. From question 2 the solution has 2 same figures 9th and 10th but the question says you can't use a same figure just rotated.
    please clarify.

  12. Q6

    BAN is also a word(first row).
    what is the meaning of COM?

  13. But Sir 'COM' is not a word

    1. Yeah, I guess I forgot BAN, anyway by COM i meant 'communication' short form, we use .com right.

    2. NUD and COM both are not words

  14. Sir , could you please explain Question 8 in detail? Also in question 7 the trick could also be the multiple of the number with 4 which gives last two digits and +1 for the first two for ex for 3 its 3*4= 12 and first two is 12+1=13 so its 1312

    1. The image and the sequence that I gave for Q8 is the most detail one. I don't think I can explain better than that by way of blog! Just follow the number sequence that I gave and find the numbered positions in the grid, marked as yellow color.
      Q7 solution that u gave is very interesting. I have only checked the first number and yes it works. Thanks for sharing the alternative idea. The most common way is to check the two series first - arithmetic progression and geometric progression.

  15. Thank you for your uploads for every year answer key of part A.

  16. In question 1, shouldn't the surfaces from bottom be 12?

    1. No, it's 10 only. I understood why u r getting 2 extra. In the patterns top portion with three cubes, you are counting them as three surface. But in actual they are one. That's because they are on the same horizontal plane and are connected and hence they will have continuous surface instead of three diff. You can check the process of solving such ques in the following two links
      and in this video

  17. in question 2, the figures 9 and 10 represent the same pattern, only the orientation is different. So shouldn't they be considered the same?

  18. While going through previous question papers, I came across a question where different objects are given and creative items are to be created (changing scale and dimensions are allowed).
    Can we use them in multiple and cut them to get desirable shape (like cutting the cone into two and using 1 half to stick on a flat surface to make Pen holder or something... I hope you get what I mean), as sometimes it's not mentioned (that cutting and bending the objects is allowed).

    1. UNless specified to not use any other medium other than the one mentioned in the Q, yes, u can use other addons like wire, paper etc. but cutting might not be allowed and most importantly, you are expected to make some creative idea only using those objects. It's like u r given physical model of the objects for u in a isolated room and asking u make some idea, would the addons or multiple usage feasible?

  19. Is there any formulae for question number 2,in case we get similar question may be we can easily do,it is related to probability only right?

  20. You missed the word "cun" in the question 6. Cun is also a word. Com cant be a word as it's an abbreviation and not a word.

  21. Question 5's answer is 270 degree probably.

  22. Question 6 we missed "BAN" in the first line

  23. Answer to Question 5, Hue of Yellow is 60

  24. Where is that link for mechanical ability? I can't find it.

  25. thank u sir ......really!! vrey helpful for i

  26. very useful question thank you sir

  27. Sir, in Q6 of CEED 2018 solution of yours, instead of the word 'com' in third line, word 'ban' of the first line should be the correct one?

  28. Sir i found a different pattern for the 2nd answer.. it will be the 12th one... nd we wont hv to consider the 9 and 10.. the new patter will be like two den above den another 2 which will start at the second box and above them one

  29. the answer for question no. 5 should be 180 degrees.
    If anybody has a different answer please share.

  30. It should be 60 degrees.
    Because if you look at RGB colour model, Yellow is equal amount of Green and Red.
    According to the question (and, of course, the color model), if you start with Red at 0 degree, then R=0, Y=60, G=120, C=180, B=240, M=300.

    I hope this is helpful.

  31. Thank You So Much Sir.I Was Searching For The Solutions,it will help me a lot.

  32. answer 27 is regarding phenomes not expressions

  33. Sir in question 2, options 9 and 10 are same but there is one more shape that you haven't considered. Thus the answer is going to be 12. Since I can't attach picture, the configuration would look like this. Each dot being 1 square.

  34. Question no. 6 there is another word present in 1st row BAN...So there are 7 words can be formed

  35. Also there is MEM nad CUN words ...So total 9 words are there in question 6

  36. sir thank you for answer key. in question 2 u missed one pattern , I hope u clarify it

  37. Q.5, if red is 0 and 360, Yellow would be 90, right?

  38. in ques 5 its asking the degree between red and yellow in anti clock wise direction so the answer will be 120 degree.
    as we go from (acc. to ques) red to green , and to blue, we come to know that it is in anticlock wise direction , then ,
    the angle from red to yellow is 1/3 of 360 i.e. 120 degree


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