

18 November 2017

NID-DAT Subjective Practice questions (PG)

Here is a set of practice questions that I prepared for your NID-DAT Subjective (PG) practice after I analysed some previous papers. Please practice only which you feel relevant to your preparation. I will update this page with more example soon. If you have any specific requirement on subjective questions type, drop in the comment and let me know or if you feel some other topic could be added, feel free to update me. Note that some of the questions have been taken from this blog's BDes subjective post.

Note - To save this posts images to your PC or mobile phone for your practice, click on the image and try saving them.

1. Complete the drawings

Part of the images will be given to you. Complete the remaining part with pencil/pen. Also, draw the background. No need to give details, line drawing should be enough but give importance to size, proportion, 
(Sorry for the blog name (watermark) on the images. I came to know that some coaching centres are just copying this blog's content as it is, and so I had to do this) 

Q1. Complete the scene of an ice cream parlour front, with a set of chairs and tables and also illustrate the ice cream shop. Draw a couple sitting on chairs relishing ice cream.

Q2. Complete the scene of a grandmother with her grandson sitting on a chair in a park feeding birds. Also, draw squirrels in the scene.

Q3. Complete the scene of a living room with windows, tables, racks etc. Draw a kid on the floor playing with his/her toys, and a music player on top of the table.

Q4. Complete the scene with a bunch of kids being outdoor and about to relish their food as part of their picnic. Show birds and animals in the scene and also cloud with sun and some trees.

Q5. Complete the scene of a living room with sofa, chairs, tv AC and wall mountings. Also, draw a vacuum cleaner lying on the floor

2. Story Framing and Writing Exercises

a. Part of the story will be given. Complete the story in not more than 7 lines and illustrate them in 5 frames
  1. There lived a mise under a tree, above which a crow .........
  2. One day, I went to playground along with my cousin ......
  3. A golden swan which used to be pride once visited a pond where .........
  4.  Long ago, snakes don't have a home until one day a snake saw ants ..........
  5. Once upon a time, an elephant king used to rule the forest when .......
  6. Once, a miser trader .......

b. Frame stories using the following set of words, don't exceed 7 lines 
  1. Iron box, doll, shirt, table
  2. Tiffen box, stove, wall clock, mother, cat
  3. grandma, shoes, car horn, TV
  4. Ants, Laptop, cookies, Sleep
  5. Water bottle, monkey, window grills, fridge
  6. Doctor, sweets, salt, grandma, 
  7. Bulb, plant, carpet, glass jar
If possible illustrate one frame of the story for the above,  (pick any scene of your choice from the chosen story), which you've written. 

c. Story narration for a given image

You will be given a scenario based on which you need to narrate a story in not more than 10 lines. This exercise will help you in enhancing your story framing and scene analysis skills. The first two questions appeared in CEED previous papers and the third example was taken from the internet.

Q1.  The illustration above is an artist’s impression of an incident in a club house. Narrate the incident in your own words, based on your creative imagination. Limit your description to less than 250 words.

Solution to the above scenario with tips on how to deal with such questions in this post

Q2. Check the below messy picture and write a story related to the situation depicted in not less than 200 words.

Solution to the above scenario with some tips 

Q3. Check the below scenario and narrate a story

3. Situation analysis questions

  1. A monkey got into a mall somehow and wants to get out without anyone’s notice. A 10-year-old boy helps him - state at least three problems/challenges faced by him in helping the monkey. Also, suggest solutions to the problems identified.
  2. A self-aware intelligent robot was lost in a forest and its battery was draining, state at least three challenges the robot will face and also suggest some solutions to the identified problems
  3. An alien was lost from its ship which got landed on the outskirts of your city and you decided to help it reach its ship. State at least three challenges/problems that you might encounter will take it to the ship safely. State also the transport you prefers to use and also give solutions
  4. A turtle somehow got into the city and is now in a lane filled with Non-veg shops, state the challenges it needs to face in order to cross and also reach the sea at the outskirts. Also, state solutions to that problems.
  5. A mosquito was inside a hall and it wants to get out. But the whole windows and doors were protected with mosquito catchers and repellants. State three challenges on how he can escape from the room. Also, give the solutions to the mosquito

4. Drawing/sketching exercises

A. General Drawing questions
  1. Draw a teen (only upper half portion sufficient) sipping coffee/tea and/or eating ice cream 
  2. Draw the scene of a school-boy studying a book, intensively, with no power but only candlelight in the room, being seated on the floor
  3. Draw the scene of yourself sitting on your rooms sofa and taking selfie
  4. Draw the scene of a mother, feeding her 2 year child with a milk bottle
  5. Draw the scene of a grandfather narrating a story from a book to his grand-daughter of 9-12 years old during bedtime. Show the excited state of the grand-daughter.
  6. Draw a creature, upper half human and lower half a tree trunk with some branches, watering itself. 
  7. Assume you are sitting in front of a laptop or a desktop PC adjacent to a wall, draw how your eyes see the scene
  8. Draw different facial emotions of a human (boy or girl) - only face/portrait is sufficient. Maintain the same person in all the scenes
  9. Draw the scene of an artist making art in his/her living room.
  10. Draw the scene of a manager in his office room, in front of a system (Computer) with files piled on his desk.
  11. Draw the scenario of two kids competing for one another on video game
  12. raw the scene of a room with at least one person, dating back to early 40's, 1940-1950 time. The very look of the image should give the perception that the scene dates back to 40's
  13. Draw a gadget tab (iPad or big sized mobile phone) showing that video was running on the screen. No background, only the gadget and the view of the video
  14. Draw a villager preparing chappatis/rotis, sitting on the floor, rolling the dough while a pan/tava with a chappatis on top of a natural made mud stove, burning using wood/twigs. 
  15. Illustrate the last scene of the thirsty crow-pebbles story, the scene of crow drinking water while it had already dropped some pebbles up to the half of the jar.
  16. There was a power cut. Draw the scene of your father fanning you, while you're fast asleep at the comfort of the fanning. Your father being happy at that moment.
  17. Draw yourself with head over phones on, enjoying the music like anything
  18. Draw yourself in a superhero costume 
  19. Draw yourself sitting on a sofa exhibiting ur happiness in watching the winning match on TV

B. Same-Scale drawing sample questions (just line drawing sufficient, no need of details)
  • Draw a bolt-nut (used for bolting, consider 1cm diameter of the bolt) and a pencil alongside in correct proportion
  • Draw a laptop and a pressure cooker in correct proportion, alongside
  • Draw a cat and a 5-year boy in, correct size
  • Draw a mobile phone and a big sized Ant next to it, in correct proportion.
  • Draw an elephant, a tiger and a monkey

C. Different-Scale drawing sample questions (just line drawing sufficient, no need of details) 
  • Draw a rat, thrice its usual size and a human (25+)  in his original size. 
  • Roughly draw a crow of 4 times its usual size, sitting above a bicycle.
  • Draw a 10 years cheerful girl, holding the tail of a real tiger which is of the size of a rat. Illustrate as if the girl is holding the tail in air
D. Human or Object sketching exercises
  1. Draw a portrait of a pretty girl with curly hairs, cheering up, with appropriate details in the background.
  2. Draw a 6 years kid weeping on his/her study table with some books. Show appropriate details including the background.
  3. Draw a 2-3 years child, just learnt to walk using the support of the adjacent wall. Show appropriate details including the background.
  4. Draw a portrait of a cheerful farmer with a turban and moustache, holding a plough. Show appropriate details including the background.
  5. Draw a girl kid (6-10 years old) with a puppy in her hand.
  6. Draw the sketch of a basket of vegetables on top of a table, visible in the dimness of a candle-light. Show appropriate details, shades etc. 

E. Choose two Homonym of your choice and draw them. 

Note: Homonym is a word that is spelt the same or sounds the same as another word but is different in meaning.
(pray, prey), 
(sell ,cell)
this page has a very long list of Homonym
  1. Draw the two meanings of the word "Spring" and write a one-line explanation for the sketch.
  2. Draw the two meanings of the word "tire" and write a one-line explanation for the sketch.
  3. Draw the two meanings of the word "desert" and write a one-line explanation for the sketch.

5. Poster making exercise

(you may use colours, rulers or other media)
  1. Population reduction - a theme poster that shows the downside of population growth. Give appropriate title and caption
  2. Make a poster for avoiding food wastage showing at least one kid in hungry or starving mode
  3. Create a poster advertisement to promote 'Swachh Bharat' campaign, showing at least a kid involved in the activity, 
  4. Make a poster for bringing awareness of digital India. Include the key elements like e-payments, govt. apps, digishala, govt. digital services, prevention of corruption, reduction of documents, hence papers, fast services/processes, 
  5. Your college is organising a cultural festival, make a poster showing the details of events or diff. kind of cultural.
  6. Create a poster advertising men to join Indian armed forces for a minimum of one year. Use Indian flag, Indian emblem, a Soldier. Use the form of them (texture, pattern, outline etc) 
  7. Design a poster to bring awareness about education focused on the rural parts of India. Illustrate visually the benefits 

Hope above practice questions helps you. All the best :)


  1. Where can I get previous years Mdes papers?

  2. Is this the list of questions keeping the sample paper of 2018 in mind? or is it for the older papers?

  3. Can we use a black micron tip or any black ball pen for drawing in the exam paper

  4. Can we use Copic markers during exam?

  5. Where I can get Previous Year Paper of M. Des ( Graphic Design) of year 2016,2015 ,2014?

  6. Hello,

    First of all, great work on this site by you. A very big help to aspiring candidates like us. Secondly can you please tell us where can we access all the previous NID-Dat(PG) papers from? Also what sort subjective of questions do they have for universal design?

  7. Can you please suggest some subjective questions or problem statement for interaction design discipline to prepare for nid prelims.


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