

13 August 2016

Answer key to CEED 2016 Part-A question paper

I somehow managed time to answer CEED 2016 question paper (exam 1).  Hope you find this post useful. Surprisingly most of the questions covered UCEED syllabus like paragraph comprehension etc. So, like I usually suggest, you may consider practicing both CEED  and UCEED previous papers and Mock tests.

You may download CEED 2016 question paper here 

Answers for CEED 2014 PART-A 

Q.1) 14
Below picture shows the count

Q.2) 79
The following four figures illustrates in which I have inscribed boxes for your easy understanding. Note that in the first two pictures, I showed squares obtained in different orientations, for 1/4th of the square. So, we have to take four times of the count that we get from the first two images.

No. of squares in Image (a) = 4+1+1+1 = 7
No. of squares considering four such squares in the actual image = 7*4 = 28

No. of squares in Image (b) = 1+1+4+4 = 10
No. of squares considering four such squares in the actual image = 10*4 = 40

Third and fourth image considers the whole pattern given in the question, so we don't have to multiply by 4.

No. of squares in Image (c) = 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6

No. of squares in Image (d) = 1+1+1+1= 4

Now, the whole image itself forms a square
So, total no. of squares = 28+40+6+4+1 = 79

Q.3) 13
Below picture shows the situation. Say the person started at S. Then following the directions given in the question, the person will follow the path given by S-A-B-C-D-E-F, where F is the final destination. As can be clearly seen, the person is actually along the same line of start. Now the straight line distance is given by 3+2+8 = 13 km

Q.4) 8
I've highlighted the mistakes for your benefit

Q.5) 22
Considering the left most solid image as in the front. I'm giving the surface count like I do usually.
Front - 6
Right side - 3
Back side -4
Left side - 3
Top - 4
Bottom - 2
You can check on how to count the surfaces in this post 

Q.6) 14
PC is the diagonal of a rectangle of size 2X4X4. For those who are not familiar on how to find the diagonal of the solid. Here is a easy way which needs just the Pythagoras theorem. Consider the rectangular box base surface denoted by A'B'C'D'. Noe, a line joining P and C', will be diagonal (hypotenuse) to PB' and B'C'. Applying Pythagoras theorem, you get square root (20) as shown in the below image. Now PC is the diagonal (hypotenuse) of sides PC' and CC'. This is shown in in image. The length of which will be 6.

Similarly considering the pyramid ARDS, we want RS. which is the diagonal (hypotenuse) of the sides TR and TS. So, RS = square root (TR square + TS square)
RS = 5
Now, the length of the ant travel will be L = PC+CQ+QR+RS = 6+2+1+5 = 14

Q.7) 30
Below picture (a) part shows what the question mea. They basically want to cut a tunnel at the center on all faces. Sorry for my poor illustration in the (a) image. Anyway image (b) gives you an idea of how it look once it is cut. Now the number of faces are counted as usual.

No. of surfaces from
Front - 1 (front)+ 4 (inside as shown in below fig.) = 5
Right = 5
Back = 5
left = 5
Top = 5
Bottom = 5

It should be noted that since the object is symmetry, same no. of surfaces can be counted , i.e no. of surfaces = 5*6 = 30

Below image shows the cross section (cut view at X-X) of inside part of the cube for your understanding as well as help you with the visualization. Please don't get confused by counting for the surfaces in the image C. Remember it's a cut section, not an actual section. In cut section you would visualize more no. of surfaces than the actual no. of surfaces in the real solid.

You can check here on how to count the no. of surfaces - how to count the surfaces in this post 

Q.8) 15.588

There are several ways of solving this problem. Here is one simple way.
As shown in the above image, inscribe a triangle such that one corner of the triangle is at the center (denoted by 'A' in the image) and the other two corners touching the circle and touching the corners of the pattern where the flower like pattern is touching the circle (at B and C). Now the required area is six times the area (since there are six such flower petal shaped patterns) of this equilateral triangle of side = radius (6)  . So,
Area = area of equilateral triangle  = (square root(3) /4) X (square of side) = sqrt(3)/4*s^2
where s = 6
So, area = (1.732/4)*6*6 = 1.732*9 = 15.588

Below picture is added as a support for why triangles are enough to find the area. Shaded in yellow and green are the projections to be added and subtracted. They are of same area. So, if yellow area is getting added, then green (of same area is getting subtracted). The same is true for all the curves in the pattern. So, just a triangle of side = radius (which will form equilateral triangle of angle 60 degree at the center) will be sufficient to get the area. Hope you understood this.

Q.9) 42
Dimensions of A4 sheet is 21.0 X 29.7 cm
If we have to exclude one centimeter margin, then we are left with (21-1-1) X (29.7 -1-1) cm
= 19 X 27.7cm
Below image shows the best arrangement as according to me.

As can be seen, in the first row, lay four passport photos such that it's size are 3X4cm as shown in the picture below. So, in the first row we can put 4 no. of photos. Now in the remaining 3cm (4*4 = 16cm) out of 19cm, we can lay a photo such that it is now 4X3 cm as shown in the right of the image below.
The rows of 3X4 passport images, will contour till 9 rows which covers 3*9 = 27cm of the height of the page, leaving behind 0.7 cm unoccupied. But the passport aligned as 4X3 can only cover 4*6 = 24cm in the right column. leaving behind 27.7-24 = 3.7cm unoccupied. So,

Total no. of photos occupying the sheet = 9*(4 rows of 3X4) + 6 (rows of 4X3 arrangement) = 9*4+6 = 42

Q.10) 39

There is a bit confusion with this question. The actual possibility could be that we can fit 44 fishes in the given box. It's shown in the below image. The dimension 5.5 cm is misguiding. If its really 5.5cm till the fishes tail, then I believe in the second row, we can fit 4 fishes. With that shown, in the first row, we can fit 4 fishes in a depth of 3cm. Now, in the second row, a depth of 1.5cm is sufficient to fit them as shown in the image. continue this for every depth of 1.5, until the total depth counts to 18.5cm, which will be 11 rows, so my belief is 44 no. of fishes.

But based on the official answer key, it was considered 39, which mean in the second row, drawn in green in the below image, they have considered only three fishes. By counting in such way, they got 6 rows of 4 fishes and 5 rows of 3 fishes = 6*4 + 5*3 = 39

You may comment your views about the correct one. If you have time, you can draw it manually and check.

PART A: Section II MSQ

Q.11) A,C,D
I don't think explanation is required for this and next few questions. I'm just taking the answers from the key

For more Paragraph and verbal kind of question, you can check the useful links in this resource page under the same heading

Q.12) A,B,D
Rigging is the apparatus through which the force of the wind is used to propel sailboats and sailing ships forward. This includes masts, yards, sails, and cordage.

Q.13) A,C,D

Q.14) ALL

Q.15) A,B,D

Check the list of paintings made by rembrandt in wiki page -

C is the picture drawn by peter paul rubens, which depicts the portrait of helene fourment.
More related paintings of her can be seen here
Complete works of Peter Paul Rubens is given here

Q.16) A,C

For this question, the best thing that I follow is instead of checking for best match, I look for best un-match from the options. I start with small parts and will try to fit. If not, then I will move next bigger parts. This is just my way of doing, you can follow your own way of fitting parts.

Below picture shows the two possibilities for the given pattern. I've numbered the fitted parts for your benefit.

Q.17) A,C

To know how to solve similar kind of question, check this - Tessellation and unfolding of solids

Q.18) B,C,D

Ligature - A thing used for typing or binding something tightly

Bokeh is the  is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens. More about Bokeh

Dodging and burning are terms used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure. In a darkroom print from a film negative, dodging decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter, while burning increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker
check more about - Dodging and burning

Contre-jour (French for "against daylight") is a photographic technique in which the camera is pointing directly toward a source of light.

Q.19) C,D

Q.20) A,B,D


Q.21) C
First, let me discuss about the pattern followed by the white dot in the given sequence of images. Below image shows the pattern that I interpreted.

As marked in the image, length b and d are equal and are oriented in the same angle. C is the connecting length and so, lengths 'a' and 'e' should be equal. So, the small circle in the final pattern should be at the left bottom quarter of the circle as shown in the image.

Regarding the color, In the first two circles, color blue part of circles (bottom) are side by side. So, in the last pattern also, the color blue should be side to the color in the last image sequence (shown in the 5th circle) which will be at bottom left corner of the required circle. Option 'C' has that pattern. You may also check the same kind of pattern for other colors too (yellow, orange, red)

For more such question, refer to mechanical and mental ability question in Resource page - useful links in this resource page

Q.22) C

Q.23) D

This question is pretty straight forward. Symbols in the image that are individual are flipped upside down (mirror image) and is placed at the opposite side. Like for ex, the symbol with circle and triangle stitched together, which is in bottom of the square is shifted to top in the transformed image and is flipped. Symbols that are horizontal and is side by side with another symbol is following diff. pattern transformation which is not required for our case. Since, the required question has all objects vertically separated. Please be careful with the option C and D. In option C, the dark heptagon shape is not flipped.

Plenty of resources related to this kind of question are available in the resource page under the appropriate heading - useful links in this resource page

Q.24) C

Very good refernce related to Indian Sculpture in these two links
Indian sculpture - Visual arts cook
Sculpture in south india

Q.25) B

Q.26) A

The phenakisticope was the first widespread animation device that created a fluent illusion of motion. Below images shows several images depicting phenakisticope.

A zoetrope is one of several pre-film animation devices that produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of that motion. Below image shows an example.

A Thaumatrope is an optical toy that was popular in the 19th century. A disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to blend into one due to the persistence of vision.  Below image shows an example.

The praxinoscope was an animation device, the successor to the zoetrope. It used a strip of pictures placed around the inner surface of a spinning cylinder.

Further interesting read - History of Animation
Image Sources -Wikipedia

Q.27) D

Daffry Duck - Warner Bros. character, directed by Chuck zones
Screwball "Screwy" Squirrel - Warner Bros. character, Created by Tex Avery
Road Runner - Looney Tunes Character, created by Chuck Jones and Michael

Jiminy Cricket is the original trailer for Pinocchio, Created by Ward Kimball, is the Walt Diney version of The Talking Cricket.
It's also a fictional character created by Carlo Collodi for his children's book The Adventures of Pinocchio, which Disney adapted into the animated film Pinocchio in 1940.

Further reading on Cartoon charecters -
IMDB - Cartoon character list
Empire online - 50 greatest Cartoon character list
MTV - animated character list

Q.28) D
For perspective related questions, the best way to check for is to
a. Find if the three lines under third perspective is meeting at the same point or not
b. Find if the two horizontal vanishing points lie on the same horizontal line; referred as "Horizon line".

The first check itself gave me negative result as seen in the below image. Points are not coinciding. So it's not in perspective. If it were coinciding, then we could say it's in 3-point perspective.

Q.29) A
This is a simple physics question. Higher density liquids will settle down, while the lower density liquid will be on top of that; if both the liquids are not mixing. In the given first flask, oil is ontop of water and is separated. So, water weight (density) is more.Now, when additional water from flask 2 is poured into flask 1, all the water will get settled down coz of their weight and the lighter oil willbe pushed up. Since, the flask shape is changing(tapered) and had less diameter at top, so the oil will occupy greater height than in the actual bottom position.

Q.30) C
Plenty of resources related to Color is available here - Font, Color and other related GA topics for CEED/UCEED

Q.31) D

Following links provide you good information related to Poetry
Different types of poetry from yourdictionary
All Types of Poems from Familyfriendpoems
All Forms of Poems from Familyfriendpoems

Q.32) D
Check more about - Materials and Manufacturing process

Q.33) B
Since the height of the table is half of the human view point, the bottom two table legs will not be visible to that extent. Also, since we are standing in front of the table, we observe the case of one point perspective with vanishing lines converging at the center. In option C, table top is flat and so it's not in proper perspective. Option D, table top is not in proper perspective as the vanishing lines are extending out and is not converging at a point. As stated, the legs should be less visible and so, Option B should be correct.

Q.34)  C
Probably the statement "depressed classes" would give us an hint that it must be from B.R.Ambedkhar

Q.35) A
For more geometry related problems, check this UCEED resource page

Q.36) A
More resources on - Reading comprehension examples in this resource page

Q.37) B
By observing the given fonts

Q.38) B

Q.39) B
Star symbol at the bottom right corner is at the same location. So, we assume it remains in the same position. The inverted triangle at the center is also at the same position. So, we have to mind the three symbols left. By observing the pattern, we can say that all the three symbols rotate in clockwise direction along the triangle shown in the image in every step/pattern. Following the clockwise pattern, we will get option B as the required pattern.

Q.40) A

The simple procedure is to go in reverse direction from folding to unfolding as shown in the below image. But be careful with the marks indicated, they are just mirror reflection during each unfolding.

Q.41) D

Q.42) A

Q.43) B
Sequence diagram and Flow diagram are one of it's kind and depicts the flow of a process.
Example Breadcrumbs image has been shown below

Q.44) D
There are a total of 7 rows. The following list gives the row wise bricks count
row1 - 3*4 +1 = 13
row2 - 3*4 +1 = 13
row3 - 3*4 +1 = 13
row4 - 3*4 +1 = 13
row5 - 2*4 +1 = 9
row6 - 1*4 +1 = 5
row7 - 1

Q.45) C
More on animation sequence study with many examples

Q.46) D
More on Indian Institutes logos

Q.47) A
I answered similar kind of question in last year solution. The solution is simple. Building 2 is 5,tr taller than building 1 and building 3 is 5 meter taller than building 2. So, building 2 is mid way from the top of building 1 and building 3. So, in the perspective view, it will be at the intersection of the diagonals as shown in the image below in blue color.

Q.48) B
By observation

Q.49) D

Below picture illustrates all the steps in sequence

Q.50) A

Check on how to deal with tessellation kind of question - Tessellation and unfolding of solids


  1. Sir in question no. 7, for two opposite faces of cube, tunnel faces will be same. We can not count them with each face individually. Shouldn't it be- 18 (four faces for each tunnel and there being 3 tunnels so 4x3 plus 6 faces of cube total = 18)

    1. As u can understand ,there will be three tunnels each connecting opposite faces, right? Now, all these tunnels intersect at the center of the solid to make a cubical hole, right? so, each tunnel is now not a flat surface but interpreted by the center cube as can be seen in Fig 7c, that I already shared above. So, apart from the 6 outer surfaces of the cube, each tunnel will contribute 8 surfaces and so 8*3 = 24, totalling to 24+6 = 30 surfaces. If ur still unclear, then take a hollow rectangular box/prism, cut it in the middle, separate them by a distance, now count the number of surfaces inside of both the hollow boxes, which will be the four sides of the inner box for each and hence 8 for the whole box. Hope, this is clear

  2. Bhanu I could not find part b of ceed2016 anywhere.

  3. For questions like 28 and 47, are we supposed to imagine those lines and then answer based on little approximation? Because we can't draw on computer screens and copying it on paper and then decide is also approximation. So is there any effective way?
    Well I was thinking, if we can bring cotton thread with us to measure from screen? Would be fine?

    1. For explanation purpose, I've shown extension/construction lines, but yes like you doubted, it's tough to do that since it's an online test. It depends on our observation by vision. Just by looking at, we should be able to figure it out, and it will only be possible by practicing, Anyway one jugaad is using your pencils (as scales) or have scale/ruler, put it in monitor face to check for the match.

    2. Well you could also place the sheets from the scratch pad provided on the screen and use the edges of the paper to trace the lines.

    3. Orthographic views dont show perspective. So its no perspective. Should see the difference between orthographic views and perspective views. Thats what i think.

  4. Hi, can you Please provide the Answer key to feb 14 CEED 2016 Part-A question paper.

    1. will try to give soon, until u can chk uceed papers too.

  5. Thanks for the juggad Bhanu :)
    Well I've solved this paper earlier and so didn't read all the answers at first, but Just now I realized you're having confusion in question no.10. So let me solve it for you.
    See the following image:

    If you'll observe the design of fish closely, you'll realize that when we draw a vertical line at the tail of fish A, it'll slightly cut the head of fishes C and D (also B but it's obvious). So that results in only 3 complete fishes in 2nd row( hence 5*3=15).

    You can see the image of full answer with all 39 fishes here:

    (To make the answer 44 correct. The width of the tail should be extended in the same direction up to 3cms so that vertical line won't cut circle C and D, but that's not the case here)
    I hope it helps. :)

    1. It definitely helps, thanks a lot Ankur for sharing your solutions with everyone :)
      Hope, others will find it useful too.

    2. Ankur as A,B,C,D,E,F gets slightly beyond the line in the same way 1,5,9,13,17,21 will move away to left as well, right?

  6. Sir, where will i get theory related to Q.43?
    If you could give some link, it would be really helpful.
    Thank you.

    1. those theory are related to web design. Any basic web design source on internet would give you an idea.
      Any way below link is one example -

  7. In questions no 17 no will match, because bottom line is parallel to cut but none of these match, please suggest me

  8. Bhanu sir, please solve the second CEED 2016 paper which was held in January.

  9. Sir, the answer of question number 24 is option C as per the answer key

    1. hmm yes, I just chked that, thnks for correcting Amit.

  10. Sir, i think the answer for question no. 31 should be 'B' Limerick

  11. sure about ans of q 37..because in q they are serif fonts...

  12. hi bhanu sir can pls upload some of the pictures which are showing blank

    1. hi, all the links r visible in my PC, I just checked, reload ur browser, or update ur browser flash or try in new browser like mozilla to chk if problem persists.

  13. sir in Q7, why hasnt it 2 front view faces?, cut part is in another surface, so why shouldnt it be total 36?

    1. that Q7 image C that I showed above is just for everyone's understanding of how the cut view might look like. But the actual solid to be considered is second image, i mean B. If u consider that, u will get 30 only, it's all symmetry, 5*6 = 30

  14. hello sir, can u pls guide us for interaction design part? How to show graphical interface of the digital device with sketches and interaction flow? Similar question was asked in 14th feb 2016 ceed paper.

    1. I've given some tips for Interface design in this post. That might help. I'll chk if i can sketch for any interaction design based ques if i get time

  15. Should the answer to Q.37 be (c) ?

    1. it's done basically by identifying the pattern that other alphabets are following, as you can notice the letters have sharp landing at the bottom. FOR A, option C matches better, u can check font related details n materials here -

  16. In the Chennai region paper 2016.Please tell me how to solve Q8.
    I am unable to attach the picture of the question so if you type in the question in google search you will find the full question there .
    Thank-you in advance !!

    Shown below on the left are two wooden pieces joined together. The joint wooden block is cut at two places AA and BB at 45 degree angles respectively as shown in the enlarged figure on the right. Calculate the area shaded in black. Give your answer in square cm.

  17. Can you please explain question number 5?

    1. U can ck how it's done here -

  18. I think the answer for Q no. 5 is 23; not 22, can you please check again and let me know?

  19. sir in q 7 there should be 36 surfaces 6 from the main solid and the 5*6=30 fom the cut portion

    1. cut portion shouldn't be considered, that's only for explanation I've drawn and only the main solid has to be counted. The cut par tshows how the cross section looks like and why we considered 5 surfaces in each direction - in others just for explanation!

  20. Hello sir, i wanted to know whether there will be solved 2017 ceed qp available anytime soon?

  21. I think answer for Q2 is 78, you have already considered the whole image a square in image 3, again you have added 1 at the end which was not necessary I think.

    1. Answer is 79. as middle square (which is at 45 dergree) has to be counted.

  22. Thank you very much for taking time to solve this question paper, sir, it is indeed very helpful. I have a small suggestion though, for question number 28,it is given in the question itself that it is orthographic projection. Therefore it doesn't have any perspective by default. It is just a front view side view or back view of the object. Even if the lines was to coincide, an orthographic projection is never in perspective, because perspective causes fore shortening..

    1. I wish ur suggestion would reach the examiners, who gave that ques. They, by mistake, mentioned that as orthographic.

      Nonetheless, looking at the image, it indeed is in perspective and what u r supposed to identify is the nature of perspective. That's it!

  23. Is Answer key available for 2016 paper (Chennai region)

  24. Is Answer key available for 2016 paper (Chennai region)

  25. What do you think is a good score in the above paper?

  26. Hello sir i need the CEED 2016 qp2 answer key and there are two different exam In 2016 which are conducted in same year,can u tell me sir what was happened that two exam were be conducted????

  27. Hello, regarding Q12, while I agree that rigging is not used in traditional cel animation, but rigging is a term used in 3D animation process in which the 3D model mesh is bound with a digital skeleton for the process of character animation.

  28. bhanu sir, in Q2 i felt like you already counted the whole image as a square itself in fig(c), so i felt like not to add 1 more square in net calculation. if not please explain me.

  29. sir I think the answer for Q35 should be 'C'.If not please explain that

  30. Observe right side of first image,it was rectangle in perspective

  31. sir the ans u r providing is not matching with the anskey provided by another site

    1. u can refer to the official answer key released by ceed/IITB. This is a post to tell how to solve the questions.

  32. Hello Bhanu
    I have a doubt in question number 6?
    I tried to solve this way

    So,I want to ask you is this a wrong way to solve this question because I am not getting the right answer

    1. hello Kajal,
      good to see ur comment after a long time. Hope u r preparing at ur best. Reg ur solution, let me try to explain again. (Refer to the image in the Q paper) You've considered both the box surfaces (AA'BB' and BB'CC') as a flat surface, which is not correct. They are at 90 degrees to each other. Visualize this in 3D instead of 2D.
      We need the len marked in red, which is SR+RQ+QC+CP (from top to bottom)
      SR is the hypotenuse of ST and TR, I think this is clear.
      RQ and QC are straightforward as the values are available. The only prob is with PC. If it is A'C then we can get the diagonal AC, which will be the hypotenuse of the triangle with base A'C and height C'C

      But we need PC, for that you need the diagonal PC' This diag PC' is the hypotenuse of the triangle PB' and B'C' the value of which is measured as shown in my solution above in this page. Once u get PC', u will get PC, which will be the hypotenuse of PC' and CC'

  33. Thanks Bhanu for clearning my doubt :)
    Thanks a lot :D

  34. Question 2 answer should be 78.
    In image c the outer square which is the square image forms is counted so there's no need to add one more square in the end again

  35. Can you please share the answer key which IIT released will be really helpful.

    1. u can get here

  36. you'd some mistake in question 2

  37. in question 4, there is more than eight mistakes.....please re-view it again..

  38. How did you do the first question sir?

  39. In the year 2016 there were 2 paper of ceed so where will I get the solution of ceed 2016 paper 2

  40. question 9
    That is not the size of an A4 sheet

  41. oh we've to exclude a margin. Gotta read questions twice.

  42. Sir, its the question paper 1, can you please also add the solution for paper 2, 2016

  43. In question 7 answer should be 36....please explain why only internal surfaces are being counted.

    1. the outer surfaces are already considered, check my explanation above, 5 for each side include 1 outer surface too and 4 internal surfaces, which I've clearly explained above.

  44. Thanks you brother es se bahut help hote hai thanks bhai

  45. hello sir!! the answer for question no. 2 is 72 in the answer key and you have proved more than 72. will our answer be considered correct ?
    plus there is one more square that i have observed in it. just at the centre of the 4 figures (rotated 45 degrees) smaller one.

  46. Q.12 Rigging is a part of 3D animation. I don't think they meant for ships.

  47. Sir.... In second question. Didn't just add the square formed by the whole shape in image then how can we add it at the last again.... To get 79

  48. 2 answers are wrong one is 30 and other is 37

  49. Question number 12. I think rigging is also used in 3D animation for setting up bones/joints/reference points for 3D structures and figures. Either way the question asks for 2D animation terms. So I guess the final answer will be the same. Thanks for your effort in giving us a detailed answer key.


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