

16 November 2013

Analysis for mistakes in the sketch of Torch design

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Below is the factors as well as solutions (along with rough sketch done in 5 min !!!) shared with me by one of our friend; for question no. 2 (A) of 2006 CEED previous paper. The question goes like this

There are different kinds of torches for different uses. Generally all torches use dry cells as power source for illumination. This power source can also be used for incorporating other functions. 
  • Innovate and design a torch with more than one function.
  • State your perception of the problem and the opportunities that your solution provides. 
  • Present your concept through sketches, showing the overall form, the different functions and its construction details - either through open view, sectional view or exploded diagram. 

The solution given by our friend :

  1. Since torch is device which is not used under usual circumstances. Hence, the above design is presented keeping in mind its uses during camping, trekking. etc
  2. I also maximizes the uses of dry cell as specified in the question, (a small fan, digital clock, a provision for a mosquito repellent, mp3 player)
  3. Whistle is provided for better communication
  4. A key-holder solves the purpose of keeping the keys handy for a while, at a place where they are easily accessible if required (Keeping in mind if it is used by a night watchman)
  5. At camps during nights, it is difficult to protect oneself from the mosquitoes etc. So  a small mosquito repellent can be attached to the torch which will keep mosquitoes away
  6. A belt holder is also provided to keep the torch handy
  7. The music player also has AM & FM Radio
The rough sketch is shown below


My reply to this

Before discussing the details of your design, let me bring to your notice the main concept of that torch question, (check the question which is highlighted in yellow - i.e The power source can also be used for incorporating other functions)

So, what I hope is that the examiner particular wants us to design the torch "by using the power source".

Anyway, let me review your design
  1. Keeping the above funda, the Knife (and the key holder) that you included in your design is out of question
  2. The fan concept is pretty cool, but the location where you placed seems impractical, if the fan is located on backside (opp. to the torch head) then while using torch also we would use fan, right ?
  3. Fan without protector (small grill system) will harm the hands when you hold the torch and it would be better if the fan rakes (plates) are inside the torch body (avoiding exposure to the surface)
  4. The concept of mp3, digital time, small speaker and mosquito repellent is very good
  5. The belt holder could better be something like detachable one (like the holding part can be dismantled with ease making it quick to hang the torch to the human belt)
  6. It would be more cool if you had increased the length of torch system, so that separate space would be available for the mp3, time, speaker and fan; other than hand holding area (thus avoiding simultaneous interacting of hand and the electrical systems), right ? you are allowed to take any shape and size coz the question says the same !!!
  7. Try sketching in 3 dimension for better representation (question carries 30 marks !!!), you may even try drawing three to four different views of sketches for better communication
Let me discuss something about your writing (factors) system
  • Better avoid singular writings like "I" etc., instead mention something like "The proposed design has got ......", "The current design has.......", "The new idea holds ......", it will be far better in this way (I hope). Remember in my blog I might have used singularities many times, just to note the concept to readers.
  • You didn't stated the perception and the opportunities that your solution provides ? (as asked in ques i.e State your perception of the problem and the opportunities that your solution provides).  

The best way is to write a little about the problem, and something about your solution, later do some rough sketches and in the second sheet show your final answer and then comes the factors (in the space given).

Similar solution given by our friend Akshay Malotkar is shown below

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  1. The one who designed this torch cleared IISC CPDM, getting into mdes thereby!!!

    1. sir, can we show concept of perticular lithium battery for durability ?

    2. I think that should be a good idea.

  2. can we add concept of GPS?

    1. well, yes we can - if not for regular use, but may be for special cases like detective, agents or military :)

  3. Hey Bhanu.
    As You Said "torch is device which is not used under usual circumstances". One In Important Situations Like Trekking In Dark Or Any Other Emergency Instead Of An MP3 player, Buttons And Speaker That Place Can Be Used For A Solar Panel Or Reducing The Size For Portability.

  4. I think idea of Knife incorporated in the torch us us pretty cool concept because torches bare usually required in camping and knife can be a useful tool, digital watch is cool, rest of the features are too much in my opinion.


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