

23 September 2013

Visualization & Observation training part-1

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In order to help you improve your visualization as well as observation skills, Some training exercises in the form of solutions for previous CEED exam questions were given with appropriate tips and tricks (where ever required). Hope it will help you for your exam preparation.

Problem : 

The below Picture shows two identical pieces. You need to visualize and draw any one of them in 3D. (appeared as Q 1.1 in CEED 2011 question paper)

Solution :

For your convenience and practice, I had drawn both the pieces. But  you need to draw only one piece in the exam. The hidden lines were shown in dash for your better understanding.
Left piece :

Right piece :

Problem :

Below is a line. Visualize and illustrate 4 different forms by making use of the line 
(appeared as Q 1.4 in CEED 2011 question paper)

Solution :

You may go through four of my visualization that I draw using the line.
The first illustration visualize a tea pot.

The second illustration visualize an old western musical instrument.

The third illustration visualize a flower.

The fourth illustration visualize an Interior home decorator.

You may also see some more similar ideas for your further information.
Ladies skirt, water jug, elephant trunk, leaf, trisul and human nose can be seen in the below pictures.

Problem :

Below is an image of a triangle with some pattern on it. This triangle is mirrored four times as shown below. Draw the correct position of the pattern on the last triangle.
(appeared as Q 1.3 in CEED 2010 question paper)

Solution :

To visualize this type of questions, you need to fix the direction of mirroring. For your convenience; I gave numbers to the triangles in the order of mirroring as shown below.

For the first reflection; you need to consider only the main triangle (numbered 1) and the immediate first reflection (numbered 2) as shown in STEP-1 above; forget about the remaining two triangles (numbered 3, 4 and 5). 
Reflect the smaller objects in the triangle by assuming the common edge for the two triangles (i.e line A) as mirror base. You should get the reflection as shown in STEP-1.

After doing this, to get the next reflection; apply the same thumb rule i.e considering only the first reflected triangle (numbered 2)  and the next immediate reflection to be carried (numbered 3). Forget about triangles numbered 1, 4 and 5. Make the common edge (Line B) as mirror base and reflect the smaller inside objects to get reflections as shown in step - 2.

Now, by applying the same principle, you should get step-3 and step-4 as shown below.

You should be doing this mentally (without the use of paper or pen) to get better visual power. OK, this post is getting bigger, so I will include more examples regarding this topic on Part-2.

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What to start? 
How to solve design aptitude, non-verbal, and Ability questions with examples




  1. first of all thank u for giving us this blog

    plz give more examples and exercises to solve Visualization & Observation training problem

    1. will try to update in future. Till then, you can check previous papers and sample everyday design questions (in this blog) as practice. Also, check this post

      Dealing with solids and imaginative questions

  2. Sir,
    Can you please send me the link of previous year qes. Papers of NID?

  3. Please include some exercise for image black n white pictures are given of object on zooming any one part and we have to identify objects...

  4. List of Architects and their famous works
    does it mean indian archi or world wide .and also

    1. Indian preferably, if u find time, extend to world renowned architects.Don't stuff ur brain with too much info btw. That might confuse. Just a suggestion.

  5. thankyou very much sir for the questions for preparation of the exam sir ,this blog really helpful to and given more guidance than and other institute.
    sir ,can i get more questions for practice because i'm not getting any idea about proper structure of exam and date is near .hence i dont have any confidence for exam to appear with !plz guide me for this situation .

    1. I've already included a good no. of practice ques in this page. For getting to know about the structure, I suggest you solve recent previous years papers. Also, check the timetable that I shared along with Part A resource page. These materials might help you give what is imp and what is not.


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