

23 November 2013

Tips to be careful during CEED exam

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I have also included a video tutorial at the end of this page with additional concepts and tips on how to crack CEED with strategic steps fyr !

Read and understand the question carefully

Yes it's true, the most common and frequent mistake that I observed almost all of us were doing is not reading and understanding the question. Most people do what actually not asked in the question. So, Read the question carefully at least twice (and even thrice !!!) and understand what actually they want's us to do. Observe each and every word of the question. Reading and understanding is itself a kind of observation skill

This is one of the most important factor to be taken care during CEED exam. During our practice (where we have no time limit) we do mistake of giving solutions of what not asked in question rather than what actually they asked. Imagine in exam hall, where we will be in pressure because of time limit; we will be giving less importance to understanding questions, because of which there is a big possibility of giving wrong solutions.

So, lets make a habit of reading the given question carefully (right from now) to understand it in full respects. Remember that every question itself gives some clues to you !!!

Some questions like "Problem Identification" were asked with factors/perception of the problem, but some may not require that. Please note and answer accordingly

Observe the given picture 

For questions where you will be given a picture and asked to identify problems as well as give some of your own concepts (Part-B Problem Identification); the best thing to do is focusing carefully on the given picture. By observing the picture itself you will get some loop holes in it. The question itself will give you many answers; that's because solutions were found where problems arise. The important thing is - you need to assume yourself as the user and identify problems, and in fact you need to create your own problems (at times) but supported with proper written justifications.

The below three points were already discussed by me in one of my earlier post. But still i'm repeating the same because of its importance
  1. It's always advisable and will be more meaningful to concentrate on finding problems FOR THAT PARTICULAR GIVEN PICTURE rather than finding problems for a general problem; say for example if you are given with an ATM picture and was asked to find problems, it will be good if you focus on that particular shown picture of ATM location rather than generalizing or summarizing problems for all the ATM centers. This principle applies to all problem identification type of questions like bus-stop, railway platform, college canteen ........ and any such similar type that usually appears in CEED papers.
  2. It will be more better to maintain the same view (perception, angle of view, size and proportions as well as arrangement) for better communication of problem - that might even impress the examiner !!!
  3. Most of such questions were usually asked with factors or perception of the problem, So it's always better to start with problem identification by writing the factors or perception of the identified problems in the space given, later detailing in brief the possible changes to be made (your ideas) through sketches (simple and clean).

Concentrate on the topic/character

It's always better to concentrate on the particular character of the topic. Say if you are asked to design a cooker, then you are required to sketch particularly cooker only, rather than spending time on unnecessary accessories like say table with shadings, stove and any such surrounding things. It will be a waste of time, instead concentrate on giving details to your design. This is applicable - unless particularly mentioned in question. 

If you are doing a storyboard or comic strip of say a crow. Then always try to highlight the characters or hero of the story (i.e crow in this case) in almost all the frames/part of the comic strip. Give secondary preference to the backdrop (sketching of houses, trees and similar things) if that's not an essential requirement to complete the frame of the comic strip. It will be better in this way to deliver/communicate your ideas and stories.

Marks and Time factor

Checking the marks of the question before attempting is more important. Marks may vary like 15, 20 ........ up to 50, and it's very essential to attempt questions based on marks. Questions carrying higher marks need to be attempted in-detail with all possible rough sketches, factors/perception (as asked in question) and detailed final solution. Time setting is also a major concern while writing CEED exam. Time should be appropriately divided among questions (based on the marks) so as to attempt all the questions.

Generalized solutions

For design kind of problems, especially product designs where you will be asked to design a product by giving a situation; the solution should be a generalized one i.e its should be focused on the kind of user (age, purpose/necessity, preferences etc). Say for example you are asked to design a multi-purpose walking stick; keeping in mind the age of the user and what they requires, we have to give a solution in a general way (that will be applicable to all similar users and not for a specific one !!!)

Instruments and Shading

Try using more than two grades of pencil and also carry a ruler, eraser, ball point pen and colors to the exam hall (even though you don't wish to use that !!!). Avoid giving extra shadings to the sketches from the very beginning (that you may take care after completing remaining important things and only if time allows !!! )

Here is my video guide on 'How to write CEED exam strategically, and tips to be careful during CEED exam'

These are some of the points that I found aspirants were missing while doing practice exercises. Please keep this in mind during your CEED exams to crack CEED. 

All the best for your attempt.

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  1. Hi.. You are doing a wonderful job.. Thanx a lot.. Can you help in NID PG..? Where can I get sample papers etc.,

    1. Hi Ravi,
      Thanks for your comments. But sorry that I couldn't help any of you for NID. All I know about NID is that it is totally of artistic nature; unlike in CEED where some technical point of design questions were expected. That's why I am not interested in writing about it. The best option for you is to improve your artistic skills. I will give the papers, better check the CEED Resource page for some sample papers.

  2. hi bhanu,
    I have a doubt and i hope u will help resolve it.while solving the exam due to the lack of time i couldnt mark part B questions as solved on online paper system.but i have solved paper B.if i scrap through cut off of paper A,will the examiners consider my paper B section for evaluation?or will it be rejected for not marking on online system?
    waiting for reply!

    1. Hi Rujuta,

      Hopefully they will consider the part-B if your part-A gets cleared. They too get to know that it might went by mistake because it's fact that everyone will attempt a minimum of one question right ? So, don't bother. Good luck ......... :)

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  4. computer science student can apply for auto design

    1. If you closely observe the course pattern of Auto design of any institute (say IITB for instance), then you will find that their course structure range from simple basics to extended study - so that even a starter can work on it. I guess, there won't be any problem if you choose auto design or something provided you really have interest on that !

  5. hello sir,,
    can we use fine liner in ceed exam to make logo or to outline the things..and what are preferred stationery like (would it be good to use 8B or 9B pencil shading in paper,,,as paper quality is not that good),,as these pencil tend to get merge,,somtimes,,

    1. Hello Shruti,

      Yes, you may use fine liner in CEED exam, but be careful, some questions come with instructions like 'Use only pencil and don't use ruler' whenever you come across such restricted questions, then you should follow those instructions strictly !

      I'm not sure about 8B or 9B usage, but as per me, limiting to 4B and 5H is best in most cases. Last year I ended up using only two pencil grades (2B and 2H) - time limit made me forget other grade pencil usage. So just carry all those grades, but better practice making designs with three to four grades, it's quite enough and practical - I guess.

  6. what can i take to exam hall? will i need paints(acrylic) as well?

    1. Take selected grades of pencils, black and blue pens, scale, and of course colours - but acrylic is not recommended, better to go for light colours like color pencils or some other type that possibly don't harm the delicate paper provided in the exam. Also carry ID card, CEED admit card and other necessities to the exam hall.

  7. Whether (while answering Part A) the sections are to be attempted in seriatim, i.e. first section I then section II and then III, or can I attempt section III first and then section I or section II, etc ?

    1. it's ur choice, u can attempt any section within the 2hr limit

    2. ohh, yaa, I said it the other way, swap the timings, I mean plan in 1 hr and choose the section in whatever order u wish

    3. sorry, ur comment got deleted bu mistake!


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