

5 November 2013

Sketching practice - Products

you are here ......... Practice >> Product sketching

As said earlier, Most of the sketching works in Part - B of CEED exam were more or less related to day-to-day used products or surrounding things at home or workplace. It's important that we get habituated to sketching of such things so that whenever such questions were asked, we shouldn't be feeling like a new exercise. This will save our time also. Let us practice them with the same principal that we followed in perception practice !!

That is, we will go through each sketch and do the following :
  1. Observe how things/objects are arranged
  2. Observe the product composition, alignment and rough works used 
  3. Identify how simply they were sketched with minimal details (shadings and so on)
  4. Start sketching by looking or copying
  5. Finally try to sketch (roughly) the same without seeing; by remembering or visualization.
Please see the below pictures for practice. Right click on any picture and click save to save the picture to your system/PC for later use and reference.

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